VIDEO: Two Middle-Eastern Men Casing Brooklyn Synagogues; NYPD Investigating



The NYPD in Brooklyn is on alert after two suspicious males were seen casing at least two large Sephardic Synagogues, Saturday afternoon.

Sources tell YWN that the first incident happened around 4:15PM at Congregation Bet Yaakob which is located at the corner of Ocean Parkway and Avenue R – directly across the street from the Mirrer Yeshiva. An alert security guard hired by the Shul witnessed the two men walk up the stairs to the front door of the Shul, look at the shul video camera, and were about to take a photo when he approached them and asked them to leave the premises.

The entire episode was captured on video – which has been attached to this article.

The security guard wrote down the make and model of the car, as well as the license plate number of the vehicle, which was a blue Honda Accord with a partial license plate number PT96584 (State of Delaware).

After Shabbos, a member of the Shul showed the video to a member of another Sephardic Shul, and the individual stated that he also saw the same two men casing the Bet Torah Shul, which is located just a few blocks away on Ocean Parkway and Avenue K. Additionally, the two suspicious men drove off in a blue Honda Accord as well.

Not taking any chances, the NYPD was contacted and a thorough investigation is underway. The NYPD’s anti-terrorism unit, as well as senior police officials are heavily involved in the investigation.

“I urge everyone to stay calm but remain cautious,” Assemblyman Dov Hikind told YWN.

“The NYPD’s anti-terrorism unit is taking this matter very seriously and doing everything that they should in light of a potential threat. If anyone has any information, they are urged to contact the police immediately.”

Councilman David Greenfield and the NYPD both tweeted about the incidents as well:


(Chaim Shapiro – YWN)

14 Responses

  1. Being one digit short on the plate # with the the car description means it should take police 10 minutes to identify the car and owner. The problem is that at most the only crime they might be chargeable with is civil tresspassing.

  2. #1, you are wrong. They take these actions pretty seriously, they will be followed, investigated and charged. You wait and see

  3. Good work on the part of the Shul for actually taking their security seriously. Time for EVERY jewish institution to follow suite. (YES! I mean schools too!)

  4. #4:

    I’m pretty sure 1’s point was that there’s nothing they can be charged for, mostly because they haven’t done anything… possibly yet. Hopefully any plans will be foiled.

  5. Middle Eastern …. Went to sfardi places….. Maybe they’re sfardim ?

    Seriously, this this worrisome. BTW 6, I’m sure you will spearhead a fund to pay for all this, with you putting down the first 10 million.

  6. That’s rabbi Eli mansours temporary shul. I used to go there for his shal shudus drasha! (I know it’s actually shalosh seudos but it doesn’t sound as good)!!!!!!

  7. My question is: Why were the police not called immediately upon seeing the individuals casing the Synagogues. Yes it was Shabbat but each of the facilities has a goy working there and in my humble layman’s opinion a n observant Jew could have dialed 911 if it was to save lives now or in the future.

  8. The reason they may not have been able to get them from the license plate is that it is probably stolen. According to Delaware Law, the only vehicles with a “PT” at the start of the license plate are “Park Trailers”–which a blue Toyota, obviously, is not:

    Motor vehicles with a registered gross weight of 7,000 pounds or less may be assigned any type of number plate. Motor vehicles, except for recreational vehicles, with a registered weight rating above 7,000 pounds will be assigned commercial or farm truck license plates. The number plates for motorcycles and mopeds, as defined by § 101(32) and (31) of this title, shall display thereon the letters “MC” for motorcycles and the letters “MP” for mopeds. The number plates for recreational vehicles and trailers as defined by § 101(53) and (52) of this title shall display thereon the letters “RV” for recreational motor vehicles and the letters “RT” for recreational trailers. The title registration number for mobile homes shall begin with the letters “MH” and park trailers with the letters “PT”. Each number plate and special plate may have displayed thereon, in addition to all other numbers or letters required by this subsection, the words “The First State.”

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