Petira of Ezras Torah President, Rabbi Emanuel Gettinger

candle914YWN regrets to announce the Petira of the esteemed President of Ezras Torah, Rabbi Emanuel Gettinger, זצ״ל. Rabbi Gettinger passed away Shushan Purim in Chicago where he had been residing at his daughter’s home.

Rabbi E. GettingerThe Levaya is scheduled for Sunday, 17th Adar, March 8th at 2:00 pm at the Young Israel of the West Side, where he had been the Rav for over sixty years. The Young Israel of the West Side is located at 210 West 91st Street (between Broadway and Amsterdam). May this great man, a true Gadol B’Torah ve Gadol B’Yisroel, be a מליצי יושר for all of K’lal Yisroel.

(YWN – Studio Baltimore)

3 Responses

  1. From a family of Boyaner chasidim who came here from Galitzia around WW1, he learned at yeshiva Chaim Berlin where he was one of the most esteemed talmidim of Harav Hutner, he married into an illustrious rabbonishe mishpacha–his father-in-law was Rabbi Rif, president of Ezras Torah and Volozhiner descendant. Rabbi Gettinger had a wide-ranging knowledge and was also a mathematician. He had a chabura of college students whom he encouraged to become real benei Torah and many of his talmidim looked at him as their rebbe and mentor for the rest of their lives. One of his talmidim founded a yeshiva in New Haven and Rav Gettinger served as rosh yeshiva there will coming home to Manhattan and his rabbonus for Shabbos.
    There were many people who benefited greatly from his Torah wisdom and encouragement.

  2. Ever since he became my Rebbe — 50 years ago — I recognized that HaRav Menachem Mendel Gettinger ZT”L is one of the Gedolei Yisrael of the generations.

    From his place in Gan Eden, he shall be a Melitz Yosher for Klal Yisrael and help hasten the Geulah Shleimah BB”A.

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