Obama Says Clinton’s Private Email Account Was News to Him

clinPresident Barack Obama says it was through news reports that he first learned that Hillary Rodham Clinton used a private, non-government email account while serving as his secretary of state.

In an interview Saturday with CBS News, Obama says he’s glad that Clinton has instructed that those emails about official business be disclosed. He also maintains that his administration remains the most transparent administration ever.

Clinton has drawn criticism for using a private server during the four years she was the nation’s top diplomat. Her sidestepping official government email also raises questions about whether all pertinent messages have been preserved as well as turned over for congressional investigations and lawsuits.

Clinton says that she’s turned over all relevant emails — totaling 55,000 pages — to the State Department for review.


7 Responses

  1. Transparent, Sir pResident, you should look up the definition of this word. I betcha got it wrong. No, it’s not redistribution of wealth, nor is it obamacare. It has nothing to do with carl marx, putin, african americans. It is not even close in the dictionary to words like racism, blame, myob.

    Now, he says we’re dumb and cant figure out that he obviously never got any emails from his secretary. (otherwise anybody sees it’s not your govt email address.)

    Speak about weed.

  2. How many times can he use the same line? Every scandal in his administration -and there have been lots of them – we hear him saying that he just heard about it on the news. Either he’s the most uninformed president of all time or he’s an outright liar. Either way doesn’t sound good for him.

  3. This president is an out right lier, any other president would have had to resign a long time ago, he took an oath and swore to protect the American people, he is doing just the opposite by downplaying the danger of Isis, and that’s “treason”. For this alone he should be thrown out of office immediately

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