British Standards Authority: Old City is Not Part of Israel

jocIt appears the British Standards Authority in falling in line with the United States State Department, with the latter not recognizing Jerusalem as part of Israel. It is well known that when an American citizen gives birth to a child in Jerusalem hospital, the state department will only write “Jerusalem” for place of birth, not “Israel”.

Well the British institute has banned future publication of an Israeli tourist brochure that portrays the Old City of the capital as part of Israel, locking horns with Israeli Tourism Ministry officials.

According to a Haaretz report, the controversial text appears on page 4 of the brochure where it says “…a day of fun, Israel has it all…Old City, Jerusalem, by day. Everyone falls for the Old City…”

A reader filed a complaint explaining that the ad “misleads the public by implying the Old City of Jerusalem is internationally recognized as a part of Israel”.

Israeli Tourism Ministry officials tried to argue the brochure makes a clear distinction between Israel proper and areas over the Green Line, but it appears this is insufficient.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. It is not useful for the English(Or any other European country) to not call Jerusalem part of Israel or not.England must redress its antisemitic past with the “White paper” and not bow to the racist Islamic voices in present day England.

  2. That’s better than the United States, which doesn’t recognize Israeli sovereign control over any part of Jerusalem.

  3. Hadrian (76AD-138AD) made up the name Palestine as he sought to erase any Jewish connection to the Land of Israel. It became known as ‘Hadrian’s Curse.’

    On YouTube there is an eight- part series entitled “Hadrian’s Curse” produced by Elon Yarden, as well as a recently-broadcast two-part television series titled “Hadrian’s Curse: Two Narratives for two Peoples.”

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