You Can Now Help BJX Save Neshamos


There’s no question about it, Brooklyn Jewish Xperience (BJX) Chizuk and Kiruv centers are changing the face of Klal Yisroel.  Purim is about  Jewish uniting together and reaching out to one another. Each and every day, BJX reaches out to Yidden of all types and spreads Torah and Judaism throughout Brooklyn.

CAPTION: Community ladies receiving Chizuk from Rebbizten Heller in BJX

“The past two weeks have, Boruch Hashem, been extremely hectic, but nothing out of the ordinary for BJX”, said Rabbi Moshe Fingerer, Director of BJX.


BJX ran a wide range of programs for once-frum adults (ages 20-34) at their Avenue K center and simultaneously ran a number of programs for unaffiliated college students and young professionals at their new Kings Highway center. The programs and classes included the Hebrew reading Crash Course, the BJX Leadership Course, various Shiurim and lectures and their first Motzai Shabbos Kumzitzs for the frum community led by Hudi Kawolsky, a BJX Madrich. Rav Yitzchok Fingerer, Rav and Rosh Kollel of BJX introduced the Kumzitz with words of inspiration. He quoted the Alshich and Arizal about how reaching out to others with love completes the imperfections in the world and makes Hashem’s name whole.

CAPTION: The Rov being mesader at a wedding for BJX students
Rav performing a wedding“As a result of our various classes and programs we are Boruch Hashem witnessing growth in the Torah observance of many students and there is nothing more rewarding than that,” explains a BJX faculty member. This week a young lady who has been attending classes and Shabbos programs at BJX, finally received her Jewish name. “I never had a Jewish name” she explained. “I am very grateful to Rabbi Fingerer for all he has done for me and for the Brooklyn community. Before coming to BJX, Torah study was never part of my agenda,” she said.  It was a massive Kiddush Hashem to see all the people that came to the Krias Hashem ceremony on a frigid morning.  Councilman Chaim Deutsch, a BJX mentor, who helped inspire the young lady, also attended the ceremony.

Each week BJX has a Shabbaton for college students and young professionals. “The strategic planning that goes into BJX’s weekly Shabbaton which includes lodging and meal placement certianly  takes a lot of work,” attests a Flatbush host. “We run the Shabbatons each week because we know the kind of powerful impact that a Shabbos has,” said Rav Yitzchok Fingerer.  “With incredible mentors like Dr. Faygie Zakheim and others, the students have role models that genuinely care about them.”

CAPTION: Unaffiliated young lady receiving her Jewish name at BJX
shem“Wherever I visit, whether I am in Buffalo, Los Angeles, or Miami, I am constantly meeting people who are fans of BJX,” shared Rabbi Moshe Fingerer. “When I met Rabbi Ephraim Eliyahu Shapiro of North Miami Beach, who is very familiar with BJX,  he bentched our Avodah saying, ‘You should continue to change the face of Klal Yisroel’’’. One BJX mispallel said “There is no place in Brooklyn more positive and upbeat than BJX.

Purim flyerI feel as my tefillos soar straight to Shomayim.” “Joy, positivity and love of Yiddishkeit is always in the air”, he concluded. Another baal habyais who davens at BJX said, “I feel that in the last two years since BJX opened on Avenue K, Flatbush has been changed forever.” As Purim approaches the BJX organization needs your financial support to continue their Avodah of spreading Torah and Judaism throughout Brooklyn. You now have an opportunity to have your donation quadrupled! Your contribution will be used to change many lives for generations to come. Their office can be reached at 646-397-1544, or online,

caption: Select Group of Brooklyn Secular College Students Receiving Leadership Training & Torah from the Rabbi


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