PM Netanyahu’s Remarks Upon his Return from the US

bibOn Tuesday 12 Adar, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu addressed the US Congress, explaining his fears vis-à-vis the Iranian nuclear threat.

Following are the prime minister’s remarks upon his return from the US on Wednesday morning, 13 Adar.

“After my short visit to the United States, I return to Israel knowing that many around the world heard what Israel has to say about the impending deal with Iran. In my speech before the Congress, I presented a practical alternative, which would impose tougher restrictions on Iran’s nuclear program, extending Iran’s breakout time by years. I also called on the P5+1 to insist on a deal that would link the lifting of those restrictions to Iran’s ceasing its sponsorship of terrorism around the world, its aggression against its neighbors and its calls for Israel’s destruction. I heard encouraging responses from both Democrats and Republicans. They understood that the current proposal would lead to a bad deal and that the alternative is a better deal. Happy Purim.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Why is this article about PM Netanyahu’s comments to the Israeli public illustrated with a photo of two leaders of the US Congress? Is the guy with the purple tie Sepharic, guy with the red tie is Ashkenazic?

  2. Perhaps the impact of the speech is best seen by the almost hysteria of pelosi, and other democrats who chose not to attend( and we should secure a list of those elected officials since each of them will at a apoint stand for relection).) Not to be lost sight of are the comments of the President who was quick to say that he didnt listen to the speech but then repeated verbatim phrases and found fault with it. At the end of the day Israel is fighting for its existence and any politician who cannot appreciate the seriousness of the situation is either blind or playing to a more ominous tune.

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