Baruch Marzel: Lieberman Turns Right-Wing During Election Campaign

liebYachad party candidate Baruch Marzel feels that Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has changed his stripes to portray himself as right-wing during the election campaign. He explains that Lieberman is now calling for the death penalty for terrorists in campaign ads while members of his faction voted to release terrorists from prison.

Marzel made his comments during a party election kenos in Kiryat Malachi on Monday night 11 Adar. Marzel feels that Lieberman has no accomplishments other than his ability to speak. Arutz-7 quotes Marzel explaining that over recent weeks during his travels around the country he has seen Lieberman election posters speaking of a death penalty for terrorists but in actuality, he is not aware of his party doing anything to advance such a bill in Knesset.

Marzel added that Lieberman zigzags and portrays himself as needed, and now he is after the right-wing vote. He reminded his audience that Lieberman’s very own Minister of Public Security Yitzchak Aharonovich voted in favor the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange deal as did his party’s Minister of Absorption Sofia Landver.

“I recommend to Lieberman to be honest and straight and not to continue zigzagging to get votes” he said.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. The real question is whether Lieberman will insist on drafting yeshiva students, thereby forcing the hareidim inot supporting a Labor government? Whom does he hate the most: the hareidim or the Arabs?

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