Rand Paul Wins CPAC Straw Poll, Scott Walker Close Second

randKentucky Sen. Rand Paul has won the Conservative Political Action Conference’s annual presidential preference straw poll.

Pollsters announced Saturday that Paul won 26 percent of the votes in the annual survey, giving Paul his third consecutive win in as many years.

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker came in second, with 21 percent. Sen. Ted Cruz came in third in the contest with 11.5 percent, followed by retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson with 11.4 percent and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush with 8.3 percent. All of the other names listed received under 5 percent.

The three-day CPAC conference in suburban Washington draws many libertarian-leaning college students whose views and priorities differ significantly from the Republican Party at large. But it is nonetheless seen as a barometer of certain conservative activists’ early leanings.

Pollsters said just over 3,000 attendees voted. Nearly half identified as between the ages of 18 and 25.

Respondents said economic issues, like jobs and taxes, were most important to them in deciding whom to support as the Republican nominee for president in 2016.


3 Responses

  1. The question to be asked is which of the five and broaden their appeal to cover Libertarians, Tea Party, Wall Street (Country Club) Republicans, and the critical “Sam’s Club” (main street) – not to mention independents and Democrats. Paul needs to appeal to Wall Street. Bush needs to appeal to the Tea Party and the Libertarians. They all need the “main street” Republicans and the Independents if they hope to win the election.

    All of them could rework their views to reach a broader audience (and Dr. Carson having no record and being well known for something non-political already, can do that best of all).

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