A Global Purim Shiur with World-Renowned Chabad Chossid and Mashpia Rabbi Manis Friedman



It’s Good to Know

invites you to join Rabbi Manis Friedman for a free

Purim Inspiration Tele-Conference titled:


The Megillah: A story that was, or a story that will be? 

Every story in the Torah has numerous layers. 
In this tele-conference, Rabbi Friedman will help you find a lesson from the Purim story that will change your life, and perhaps the entire world!

Tuesday, 12 Adar/March 3 @ 1:00-1:45pm NY time

Click here to register for the call and receive the conference call number and meeting ID. 

 If the timing does not work for you, you can register for the call and receive the recording.

Please share with a friend who would appreciate this superb Purim inspiration!

This call has been graciously sponsored by KosherWine.com. Have your Purim and Pesach wine delivered straight to your door! Use code IGTK for $15 off your first order.

Take some time to gain a deeper consideration for the Purim events and how it all applies today.  Click here register for the call

For more information, email programs@itsgoodtoknow.org.


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