HaPeles Newspaper: We Must Rehabilitate Chareidi Jewry

aur“It is our duty to rebuild the destruction and pick up the pieces. We must establish and reestablish the chareidi Jewry in its original format”, reads the column in HaPeles, the newspaper affiliated with HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita who heads the so-called Yerushalmi split off branch from Degel Hatorah. The newspaper adds the Bnei Torah party which represents these followers will hold a kenos in Yerushalayim two days before elections for the 20th Knesset. The kenos is dubbed “a historic event”.

The column continues, citing the unacceptably low state chareidi Jewry finds itself following the last two years of deterioration and the need to rebuild, speaking of the ongoing efforts of the outgoing coalition to destroy frum Yiddishkheit and tear down its walls of defense against the unwanted and unacceptable realities of modern secular life.

“The incomprehensible situation of fundamental change and intensive reform of the public order of chareidi life is also reflected in the evil spirit of hatred and contempt of the Torah. In this very same spirit there is the alarming and outrageous attempt to undermine the fundamental principles that have always accepted…”

The column continues, addressing the ongoing effort to compel this new lifestyle upon chareidi Jews by using threat and other means including destruction of yeshivos, attacking with a new-found hatred, and targeting everyone including tenokos shel beis raban. HaPeles calls today’s situation “a historical precedent”, the open anti-chareidi campaign in Eretz Yisrael aimed at hundreds of thousands of people including talmidei chachamim and bnei torah.

“The call of the hour is to restore sanity to the chareidi public, simply to return to basic norms according to a Torah world and way of life”.

Those members of the chareidi tzibur affiliated with the Yerushalmi faction have signaled that they will not be voting in the upcoming election. If this is the case, t may cost Yahadut Hatorah a seat.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Ohhh, I thought when he said “We must establish and reestablish the chareidi Jewry in its original format,” he meant that most chareidim will work, and won’t worry about things like little girl’s pictures in magazines. Isn’t that what chareidim used to do?

  2. To takahmamash. I think he meant that we need to set up lots of yeshivas and kollelim, since that’s the “original format” of chareidi Jewry. And today there aren’t enough of these. If Starbucks has 9 stores in every square mile, we should demand 10 yeshivas in every square kilometer!!

  3. If Degel Hatorah loses a seat in this election they only have themselves to blame. If they were really concerned about the break off branch they would have made it their business to allow them some representation.

    Perhapsthe seat that they might lose will go to Yachad and perhaps that is a good thing. We will wait and see what happens election day

  4. and won’t worry about things like little girl’s pictures in magazines… im worried about big girls pictures on your phone.

  5. takahmaamsh didnt reb akiva alone have 24 thousand talmidim alone., doesnt the gemara say there were thousands of neviim in yerushalayim alone. what- did they work when they werent speaking to g-d? get your facts straight and then come back to me

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