Channel 2 News Election Poll

voteA Channel 2 News election poll released on Tuesday night 5 Adar shows that the Labor/The Movement list remains ahead of Likud by two seats. The poll was carried out by Machon Midgam headed by Prof. Mina Tzemach.

Labor/The Movement: 24

Likud: 22

Bayit Yehudi: 12

Yesh Atid: 12

Arab Bloc: 12

Kulanu: 7

Yahadut Hatorah: 7

Shas: 7

Yisrael Beitenu: 6

Meretz: 6

Yachad: 5

The respondents were asked to rate Netanyahu and Herzog’s suitability to serve as prime minister.

44%: Netanyahu is most suited (7% decline from a week ago)

32%: Herzog is most suited (4% increase from last week)

Twenty-four hours before the state comptroller plans to release his report on the national housing shortage and pricing, set for 18:00 on Wednesday 6 Adar, respondents were asked who they feel is responsible for the national housing crisis.

37%: PM Netanyahu

17%: Former Finance Minister Yair Laid

8%: Former PM Ehud Olmert

2%: Housing Minister Uri Ariel

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. To form a government with those numbers, Labor would have to include the Arab parties (or the Hareidim), along with Kulanu and Yesh Atid. The might be a stretch.

    The same number would allow Likud to form a government with the Right wing parties, the hareidim and Kulanu – and that would mean a lot more seats.

    With those number, the only way Labor would form a government is if the “right” refuses to compromise on conscription, and Labor offered to cancel conscription for everyone in order to get Arab and Hareidi support

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