VIDEO: Israeli Passengers Verbally Abuse Flight Crew On International Flight Over Duty Free Chocolate


This story begins on an Israir flight from Israel to Bulgaria on 30 Shevat 5775 when family and friends of a passenger were angered after a member of the cabin crew did not turn to her to offer her to buy duty free chocolate. This led to members of the passenger’s group to begin to verbally abuse members of the crew. Despite warnings, the chocolate incident continued to gain momentum and passengers ignored the instruction of the crew to remain seated.

Shir Arieli explains this is normal and she has had firsthand experience many times during her four-year career. At times, passengers broke seats she explains, stating on the Israeli airline this is a regular day.

Flight attendant Nir Lavov, who is accustomed to curt short-tempered Israeli passengers told the press that this one was overboard and the actions of passengers exceeded any and all acceptable limits. Lavov explained when the shouting began, he pushed the cart towards the door to the pilot’s cockpit to decide how to react. That is when the shouting and cursing began, and fortunately for the flight attendants, some passengers recorded the events for a number of minutes so the passengers cannot deny what occurred.

Some of the passengers involved have apologized for their unacceptable behavior. Airline and Civil Air Authority officials are reviewing the videos and taking statements from airline officials to determine what action will be taken, including criminal charges and barring the troublesome passengers from future flights.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

13 Responses

  1. Shir Arieli explains this is normal and she has had firsthand experience many times during her four-year career.

    huh? i’ve flown to israel round trip twice (one with israir) and ive never seen or heard this, and ive only had good experiences

  2. and they would want you to believe the charaidim are the uncivilized apes not the “enlightened” chilonim, chocolate no less!

  3. Unfortunately selfish behaviour is par for the course for many Israelis, religious and secular and nowhere more so than when getting ready to board an aeroplane or during a flight. It seems that once out of the pressure cooker of Israel, or waiting to leave, they just let go without a thought for anyone else. Screaming at flight attendants only causes them to despise Israelis and by extension, Jews. No, it is not reasonable to get on the plane with an enormous valise that will not fit in the overhead bins, and that is beside the three or four bags with toys for the kids or double or triple the allowed duty free allowance of liquor and cigarettes. It is also not a way to behave shouting loudly about the disgusting airline food or thrusting the meal tray back at the hard working flight attendant who doesn’t understand why the hechsher is no good. Similarly crowding the aisles denigrating the city or country you have just been visiting when the fasten seat belts sign is illuminated is not an endearing way to go.

  4. Ah, the memories! 1980, and it is snowing in Yerushalayim right before Purim. My mazel, we ran out of kerosene for the Galaxy 500 heater with a newborn baby in our Kiryat Tzanz apartment. Waiting for the #3 bus in the cold, only to be rewarded with a screaming bus driver because I had two empty kerosene containers in my “sal” (a big no-no) to fill at the “tachanat delek” across the street from the Egged tachanat mercazit . A chiloni is the only one in front of me to buy kerosene, which he receives. Then the employee who just filled the chiloni’s kerosene containers screams at me that they have no kerosene to sell to me. I thought, “Haman lived a long time ago. This guy is here right now, intent on my family freezing. A screaming battle, him and me, ensues. He finally capitulates and fills my containers while hurling obscenities at me. It takes a thick skin for a ben Torah to live there.

  5. I have only been treated with respect by all the “chilonim” I have dealt with. That’s because I am polite. Perhaps if Chareidim treat airline staff with respect, they might get it back. What I saw on an El Al direct flight to NY was appalling & I felt I had to apologize for frum Yidden. I was mortified by the disgusting behavior, including diaper changing on the seat. Ugh.

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