PHOTOS: Gedolim Meet at Historic Gathering on behalf of Oneg Shabbos V’Yom Tov in the Home of the Ba’al Shevet HaLevi, Rav Shmuel Wosner



A rare and historic gathering to discuss the annual tzedaka distribution of the Oneg Shabbos V’Yom Tov organization, took place this week in the home of the Rav Shmuel Wosner, also known as the “Baal Shevet Halevi”, with the participation of Rav Chaim Kanievsky and Rav Yaakov Meir Schechter. Our revered gedolim came together in support of the renowned multi-branched Oneg Shabbos V’Yom Tov organization, spearheaded by Reb Efraim Stern of Yerushalayim.

This organization has earned the approbation of the gedolim who witness its far-reaching efforts up close. For the past thirty-six years, Oneg Shabbos V’Yom Tov has illuminated thousands of homes in Eretz Yisroel, injecting rays of light in dejected hearts and lifting the spirits of widows and orphans. The food packages they receive every Shabbos and Yom Tov are plentiful, providing enough leftovers to sustain the recipients throughout most of the week.

The crowning glory of these varied distributions is the annual Kimcha D’Pischa campaign, the most comprehensive distribution in the world, which is implemented simultaneously in various locations in Eretz Yisroel. Thousands of families from all sectors of Klal Yisroel receive bountiful food packages complete with all their Pesach provisions, including matzos, wine and grape juice, meat, olive oil, eggs, and boxes of fruits and vegetables commensurate with family size. The Kiddush Hashem that this creates is simply beyond comprehension.

Recently, due to the downward spiral in the economy, Oneg Shabbos V’Yom Tom has been inundated with requests for help, while the stream of incoming donations has notably decreased. Due to the paramount importance of this much sought after Pesach assistance, the Baal Shevet Halevi therefore, summoned the gedolim to his home in search of a way to strengthen and fortify the organization that keeps hunger at bay in thousands of homes.


Rav Wosner, who now rarely opens his home for meetings, greeted Rav Chaim Kanievsky with great warmth, and they fondly reminisced about their shared past, when they visited the Chazon Ish zy”a together, nearly seventy years ago. He also welcomed R’ Yaakov Meir Shechter – leader of Chassidei Breslov in Yerushalayim, with great respect to the meeting in his home in which his son Rav Chaim Halevi Wosner also participated.

Before the meeting got underway, a letter sent by the Gaavad of Yerushalayim, Rav Tuvia Weiss to Rav Wosner was read aloud. The Gaavad expressed his regret at being unable to attend, and proclaimed his support for the conclusions that would be reached.

During the course of the meeting, the gedolim heard details about the difficult financial situation in Eretz Yisroel. Even those families that manage to get by throughout the year on the breadwinners’ meager incomes simply cannot contend with the astronomical Yom Tov expenditures. They collapse under the mounting expenses and they are forced to contact Oneg Shabbos V’Yom Tov in order to meet their needs in order to bring in Pesach with the customary anticipation and hoy that every Jewish family deserves.


After details of the dire situation were presented, Director R’ Efraim Stern who saw the need and single-handedly spearheaded this organization 30 years ago, addressed the gathering. He described the multitude of desperate requests that reach his ears, and the manner in which these requests have multiplied many times over in recent years. He indicated that the amount of new applications for assistance is in inverse proportion to the amount of money being donated. Both the increased demand and the decreased donations are due to the current global financial crisis.

Rav Stern does his utmost to give a positive answer to the hundreds of pleas for new assistance coming through 24 hours a day. Just imagine for a moment that a head of a family who has never had to come on to tzedaka in his life, after weeks and weeks of heart wrenching agony, realizing that it’s almost Pesach, finally breaks and “makes the call” only to hear Rav Stern’s tear choked voice answer that he is not sure that he can help him. Then there are tears on both sides of the phone.

The gedolim discussed at length how the organization should allocate its funds, and they expressed their concern for the financial woes of so many Torah families in Eretz Yisroel. Together, they formulated plans and strategies that would enable Oneg Shabbos V’Yom Tov to persevere with its monumental work.

Baruch Hashem Oneg Shabbos V’Yom Tov is currently meeting the needs of more than 10,000 families in Eretz Yisroel who will be receiving a Pesach package valued at $300.


Rav Stern is still is depending on the short time between now and Pesach for enough donations to cover the existing enrollment and all the new requests. He realizes that in order to get enough donations, both small and large, in such a short period of time people in all financial strata will truly have to open up their hearts and pockets despite their own constraints. He remains confident in the goodness of Klal Yisroel and their true ratzon to be mekayem Kimcha D’Pischa and their desire that when they sit down at their own Pesach Seder they will be able to with a clear heart say Kol Difchin Yesei V’yechal; Kol Ditzrich Yesei V’Yifsach, knowing that they have in fact made that a reality.

In his remarks the Baal Shevet HaLevi, said: “Ashreinu Ma Tov Chelkeinu – Hakuppah Hazos Magein over Yerushalayim and over Bnei Brak!” The world renowned most senior posek hador underscored his yedidus for over 30 years with Rav Stern, recognizing how he as an individual shoulders the responsibility for the whole operation. The gedolim respect and admire Rav Stern’s tenacity appreciating that he leaves no stone unturned and works tirelessly night and day to generate enough funds to ensure that the millions of dollars needed for the distribution are raised. Rav Wosner then affixed his signature to a letter requesting that Klal Yisroel support and strengthen this undertaking by pledging substantial contributions to the organization.

The gathering came to a close on a note of awe and passion, emphasizing the dedication of our Gedolim to the plight of the poor of Eretz Yisroel. They ended with a brocha that righteous Yidden all over the world who respond to this request for help with warmth and generosity should be blessed with all that their hearts desire, Amen.

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(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)





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