Secular Activists About to Begin ‘Shabus’ Buses in Yerushalayim R”L


Secular activists working to change the status quo and operate buses in Yerushalayim on Shabbos are beginning with private service. The program is called “Shabus”, and they hope in a month’s time, these buses will be providing service R”L in the streets of the holy city.

The program will provide bus service to many neighborhoods in the capital and they have already begun signing up non-frum residents for financial support. On its website, the organizers explain they are fed up with the weekly transportation shut down and that if they succeed in raising the required capital, 100,000 NIS, they will launch the service.

The Shabus will begin operating at 20:00 on Friday evening until 01:00. Organizers explain the law prohibits public transportation but this, a private venture, is no prohibited.


(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

18 Responses

  1. I think its about time we realize that we are in golus and this is the reality we live in. I’m not sure why its racmana litzlan. If anything they are saving people from being over issurei doraysa by having one person drive instead of all the passenger’s driving alone. I might be wrong on that one.
    Enough of forcing our religion onto others its not the right derech and it does not get ratzon hashem any further.

  2. Perhaps they should block off the streets on Shabbos, at the very least in the frum neighborhoods. If not, boards with nails, anyone?

  3. #2
    The first Beis HaMikdash was destroyed, despite the multitudes righteous in the generation, BECAUSE there was TOO much toleration of sinning
    cf. Kovetz Ma’amarim

    Read the Kovetz Ma’amarim printed in the ’30s of what was horribly bound to be coming due to too much undue acceptance and laissez faire ( which he was decried for)

  4. #2
    Does hashem need your religiousity?

    Yes, stopping someone’s chillul shabbos is more important than your going to shul

    The Torah is all about a National forcing of our religion

  5. Ignore the shouts of “k’fiah datit”. Battle for Tradition in every front

    Rav Eliyahu Lopian said

    “when they give us blows,kumpt unz. kumpt unz!

    { translation :we had it coming. we deserve it.}

    Their silent cry is :you proclaim to be concerned about chinuch,about Tradition.

    What about us? how come you were/are unconcerned about us?

  6. An elder relative who was one of the leading figures of mizrachi in Haifa mizrachi in the ’40’s and ’50’s

    Used publicly block transportation traveling on Shabbos
    by standing in the street

    He likely would be pulling his hair today to where DL apologists and the state have come to.

    At the minimum do what Rav Salomon Zt”l did in Petach Tikva a generation ago:Block the streets

  7. cont..

    most Israelis support whichever way the wind is blowing

    It’s your/our job to hold firm through the ebb and tides

    (You also do realize that EY is a supposed to be JEWISH state and SHOULD act like it )

  8. בספרו משנת רבי אהרן: חשיבות הכינוס וזעקת המחאה אינם רק
    בבחינת התועלת שבדבר והתוצאות שיהיו לכך וכו’,שזהו הביטוי לכאב על הזלזול בכבודו של מלך וכו, ולכן גם אם לא יושג שום שינוי אצל הגורמים שהביאו לכך, הרי התועלת מכך היא כפולה וכו’ שע”י המחאה על הזלזול בתורה והרס הדת, וההכרזה שדבר זה בנפשנו הוא,בודאי יתעוררו רחמי שמים למעלה ויעצר הסחף בשמירת התורה ומצוותיה בכל התחומים. וכו’ ואלו המתנגדים למחאות הרי שתיקתם כהודאה גמורה!

    Once a group of people in a frum section of Yerushalyim were protesting that their street should be closed on Shabbos because there was a religious majority living in the area.

    Rav Schach stated that the concept of majority should not be used as an argument. They must fight for the truth because of its inherent value. Otherwise, in the sections of Tel Aviv and Petach Tikva where transgressors are the majority, they will sell treifos and desecrate Shabbos openly with impunity!

  9. I hear what all of you are saying but I still think it is ridicules to think that Israel is a Jewish country representing Jewish values. It would be nice if that were true but that my friends is called moshiach(and AFAIK he is not here yet).
    Israel is a Democratic country and I would be embarrassed to call it a Jewish country on anything more then a national secular level. The Jewishness of Israel has Zero to do with Toras Yisroal and therefor it is not reasonable for a democratic country not to allow Public Transportation on a day that is like any other for a large part of the population.

    This obsession with having the State represent Judaism is taken straight out of the playbook of Secular Zionism and we should not stoop so low as to say that the State represent Toras Hashem even 1 drop. R’ Elchonen would turn white if he heard a ben torah talk like that.

    Now, as to doing Kiruv by force I think we can all agree that it will never work and I ask for one mekor that ratzon Hashem is for us to be going about it like this. #12 (About Time), Please tell me what on earth is the ‘Inherent Value” of closing your street on shaboss so that the cars drive the other way around?

  10. I’ll add: Tehillim 97:10 “Ohavei Hashem Sinu Ra” so when you hate somthing, what would Hashem want, to act on your hatred? Or would HKB”H want us to figure out what we can do so that we wont have to hate this thing and to just get rid of the terrible “Ra” in the world?

    IMHO there is noting in forcing people to only be mechalal shabbos in ways that we dont see it that even attempts to start removing the “Ra” from the world.

  11. Shalomh- I will explain to you the difference. When these people are mechalel Shabbos at home I don’t go knocking down their door and throw stones at them- I cry to myself and ask myself what can i do to help them see the beauty of shabbos. But what if they came to MY house on Shabbos and screamed and yelled, and if they destroyed everything I so diligently organized and cleaned up, and then threw everything I prepaired for the Sudah on the ground and STOMPED ON IT, you’d be pretty upset too!
    It’s not about “pushing” religion on them, it about protecting the one and only unarguable tenants of Judism. There is absolutely no argument between Chasidim or Tzionim about what Shabbos is, it may look different in each of our homes but it’s essence is the same.
    One final thought to get you to understand the importance of this fight…..
    If The Palistinians were to hang their flag ALL OVER the old city, I can’t imagine you’d be “O.K.” with it. You and every rational Israeli would try to stop this brazen action that insults every Israeli that ever died defending OUR country, then why should we – those that are descendants of Shomri Shabbos – allow such a brazen disregard for the kedusha of Shabbos in Yerushalayim ir Hakodosh…

  12. and of course, they’re starting it before the elections.yes,its time to take to the streets and lay down in front of the buses if needed-tell us where and we’ll be there

  13. shalomh,

    How is moshiach supposed to come about?!

    Judaism is all about the Klal.
    Saying that we take ought to refrain from imposing our way of life on others is american (and libertarian) influence seeping in ,and a cop-out.

    “This obsession with having the State represent..”

    Our obligation is to maximize with the present reality ,all the while
    building towards a better world.

    (R’ Elchonen’s talmid Rav Chaiken used to say ” today we must follow Rav Schach

    “The Jewishness of Israel has Zero to do with Toras Yisroal”

    Where’s your sense of Achrayus?
    Then the onus is upon You!

    And for those with zionist proclivities:

    In the hashgafa of Rav Kook and the Religious Zionists founders, israel is all about the community, Galut about the individual.

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