Heartbreaking Post On Chai Lifeline’s Facebook Page

clThe following appeared today on Chai Lifeline’s Facebook page:

Today is an unfortunate day, albeit a ‘normal day’ in our field. Today I prepared two young children for the funeral of their father.

As I’m sitting with them explaining what the funeral will entail and what they should expect, the 7-year-old boy turns to look at me and says “I have sixty-five dollars. I will give this to mommy and she will be able to feed us and we’re going to be able to live.” He then turns to his 11-year-old sister and asks if she wants to give their mother the seventy-five dollars she has saved up “so we should be able to live.”

Heartbreaking is an understatement. I worry what the future will hold for these precious children, but I know we are here to support and reassure them.

I am proud to be a part of such an organization, one that wipes away the tears from the faces of broken little children.

May we only share in good news.

Rabbi Yaakov D. Klar, MSW

Associate Director, Project C.H.A.I., Chai Lifeline’s Crisis Intervention, Trauma & Bereavement Department

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. This rabbi klar is a real Tzadik. I had a close freind of mine who his wife passed away leaving littler children. He was their from the petirah till after the livayeh. With his wisdom and WARMNESS.. May hashem give him and all of chai lifeline Kol tuv!!!

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