Poll: Deri is Least Trusted

deriA Magar Mochot poll commissioned by Kol Berama Radio checked the atmosphere among chareidim and following are the results. Respondents were asked how old they area, and only persons 18 and older were permitted to take part in the poll, and only those who labeled themselves “chareidi, dati, or chareidi leumi” were included in the poll.

Do you feel close to the hashkafa of the party you plan to vote for?

81% of Bayit Yehudi voters replied yes

72% of Yachad voters replied yes

70% of Yahadut Hatorah voters replies yes

55% of Shas voters replied yes

Do you believe the party you will vote for will keep campaign promises?

78% yes among Yachad voters

70% yes among Yahadut Hatorah voters

58% yes among Bayit Yehudi voters

34% yes among Shas voters

Who would you like to see serve a Minister of the Interior?

55% of respondents select Eli Yishai

24% of respondents select Aryeh Deri

Voters of Bayit Yehudi, Yahadut Hatorah and Yachad prefer Eli Yishai

Shas voters prefer Aryeh Deri

Who should chair the Knesset Finance Committee?

41% of respondents, Moshe Gafne

19% of respondents, Yaakov Litzman

40% feel this chairman may not be chareidi

Voters of Shas, Yahadut Hatorah and Yachad prefer Gafne

Voters of Bayit Yehudi prefer Yaakov Litzman

32% of the religious/chareidi parties feel chairman may not be chareidi

What do you feel about chareidi protests surrounding arrests of talmidim?

56%: The protests do not strengthen Yair Lapid

44%: The protests strengthen Lapid to some degree

Would you support entering a coalition headed by Yitzchak Herzog and Tzipi Livni?

69%: Opposed

80%: Yachad party voters are opposed

70%: Shas party voters are opposed

64%: Bayit Yehudi voters are opposed

47%: Yahadut Hatorah voters are opposed

How much do you trust the following politicians? (among all respondents)

40%: Naftali Bennett

30%: Eli Yishai
16%: Moshe Gafne

8%: Yaakov Litzman

6%: Aryeh Deri
Among Shas voters:

28% trust Aryeh Deri & 19% Eli Yishai
Among Yachad voters:

75% trust Eli Yishai
Among Yahadut Hatorah

60% trust Moshe Gafne

12% trust Yaakov Litzman

Among Bayit Yehudi voters:

72% trust Naftali Bennett & 15% trust Eli Yishai

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. To yeshiva world do you get paid from yishai to be against deri you only show polls were shas gets 6 seats and at least one article a day against deri?

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