TONIGHT: Yerushalmi Branch to Celebrate Release of Talmidim from IDF Jail

IMG-20150209-WA0070A large kabolas ponim which is expected to attract thousands is being held in Yerushalayim on Monday evening 27 Shevat beginning at 19:00 to welcome the talmidei yeshivos released from IDF prison. The talmidim are aligned with the talmidim of HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita, known as the “Yerushalmi Branch”, who are instructed not to cooperate with IDF authorities in any way. Rav Auerbach views the effort to draft bnei Torah a “gezeiras shmad” and has forbidden any cooperation with the IDF.

The kabolas ponim will get underway in the area of Yirmiyahu and Eli HaCohen Streets in the capital on Monday evening. There will be musical accompaniment to give the kovod to the talmidim and a chizuk to participants to follow their example.

The four talmidim will lead the march towards Bar Ilan Street and then to Shmuel HaNavi Street. The march will end on Shmuel HaNavi and Ezra Streets where a stage will be set up and rabbonim will address the forum. Leading the rabbonim will be HaRav Auerbach Shlita. The talmidim will make a siyum on a Mesechta they studied while incarcerated. Transportation is being provided from a number of cities including Bnei Brak, Ashdod, Modi’in Illit, Elad, Haifa and Rechasim.

Organizers report the event is sanctioned by police. Area streets will be closed to traffic until 22:00.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. “פלג הירושלמי” should translate something like “The Yerushalmi Brake-off” or “Sectore”. “Branch” would be “הענף הירושלמי”.

    See targum on ויקח קורח – (lehavdil)

  2. MDshweks, i wouldn’t call it a break-off, i would call it a continuation of Rav Shach’s derech.
    It is WELL known that Rav Shach was very against the giyus, as was the Chazon Ish and many more rabbonim.
    The break-off would be those who encourage the bochurim to go the the enlistment offices, where they are enticed and put through much pressure to ‘hear’ what the army has to offer for ‘frum’ guys….

  3. i second the thoughts of commentor #2

    the bnei brak faction has broken away lo oleinu from the dereck of gedolei rabboseinu and how this pains maran shlita.

    if rav don segaql didnt agree with maran he would not of left eretz yisrael the reason why he left was becaus he agrees with maran but couldnt side publicly against the bnei brakers out of kovod harav so he felt compelled to leave.

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