Growing Disharmony in Yahadut Hatorah Election Camp

votMembers of the Yahadut Hatorah election campaign effort are threatening to leave, apparently unsatisfied with the meager budget allocated to them to get the message out.

According to the Central Election Committee, Yahadut Hatorah receives 8.2 million shekels in election funding but the decision-makers have apparently decided to sharply cut the election campaign.

The persons who are responsible for persuading the voters to back Yahadut Hatorah are furious for they understand the significance of getting the message out to potential voters, to bring the undecided on board, and to work night and day until the elections. However, the decision-makers do not feel they wish to spend a significant fund on campaigning, leading to the decision of the campaigners to threaten to leave. They explain that they are in an untenable situation, responsible for getting the votes but without a budget to accomplish this task.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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