Rebitzen Eliyahu Backs the Yachad Party

EliyahuRebitzen Tzviya Eliyahu, the wife of HaGaon HaRav Mordechai Eliyahu ZY”L has come out publically supporting the Yachad party.

Mrs. Eliyahu announced on Tuesday, 21 Shevat, that “H’ wishes to see us all united as we were opposite the mountain during Matan Torah”.

She praised the party which appears concerned with Am Yisrael and not personal and special interests. Mrs. Eliyahu stressed the need for achdus, calling on voters to follow her lead and support Yishai’s party for the good of Eretz Yisrael, Toras Yisrael and Am Yisrael”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. Looks like we’ve reached new heights in religious gender equality. With all due respect, I don’t think this woman’s opinion is exactly da’as Torah.

  2. Big zechus, she is a great woman who supported & treasured her husband’s learning & legacy.

    אישה חשובה those who have the opportunity should visit & get a Brocha from her. The Rebitzen lives in Givat Shaul near Angel bakery.

  3. To #4: EH
    Is anyone’s (besides your rav’s/sect’s) opinion da’as Torah?
    Sure, a gadol ba’Torah, a Talmid Chacham can be legitimate da’as Torah, and there can sometimes be more than one viewpoint on a particular question. Which party to vote for in an election in this country is a serious da’as Torah question that, as I originally stated with all due respect, is not within the purview of Rav Eliyahu’s widow. Or anyone else — male or female — who is not a gadol ba’Torah. She is entitled to an opinion, but the writeup made it seem as if she is calling on others to vote for a particular party. Maybe YWN should post a disclaimer at the end of the article. Or perhaps not report it at all.

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