J-Street Launches its Anti-Netanyahu Campaign

1In light of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s insistence to address the US Congress, J-Street has launched a major campaign against him. The campaign stated “I’m Jewish and Bibi does not speak for me” is aimed at enlisting massive support against the prime minister’s planned address.

Amid mounting left-wing tensions in Israel calling on the Mr. Netanyahu to cancel his planned address, the prime minister remains firm, citing he will use the forum to inform the world regarding the severity of the Iranian threat.

Interestingly, despite the left-wing community’s paranoia, despite the tensions between Jerusalem and the White House, US President Barak Obama announced that the prime minister’s address before Congress will in no compromise the “unbreakable” relationship between the countries.

J-Street is using the campaign to deliver the message that Netanyahu does not represent the Jewish people.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. They don’t represent me! I think they are overhyping their representation. They don’t represent anybody for all I know, and are just looking for a bit attention.

  2. They haven’t said a word about the four dead Jews in Paris. Not a word about Iran Isis or Syria. Just wondering if they aren’t on obamas payroll. You no his house Jews. .

  3. @Kollel faker, j street was started by Obummer. Not directly. Same way he/the American people are funding to get Netanyahu deposed. Chas v’shalom Obummer should accomplish that! But just follow the money trail. Leads back to the Muslim in our white house.

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