PA Announces a Boycott of Israeli Goods in Response to Monetary Freeze

abasPA (Palestinian Authority) officials have decided that in response to Israel’s decision not to turn over tax revenue funds, it will be launching a boycott of all Israeli goods in addition to taking its case to the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

Beginning on Wednesday, 22 Shevat, PA officials will ban entry of goods manufactured by major Israeli companies from entering PA autonomous areas. The boycott lists major companies including Osem, Strauss, Tnuva and Prigat. Organizers of the boycott report PA Chairman Abu Mazen supports the new initiative. PA store owners are informed that they must deplete their stock of Israeli products within two weeks or return the items to suppliers.

One PA merchant frowns on the idea. He explains that it will boomerang since those who can, will shop in a store like Rami Levi, who has supermarkets in Yehuda and Shomron. In addition, he is certain it will lead to the opening of a black market for the Israeli products which will sell for a higher price but the PA will not collect any tax revenue.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Let them starve or pay high prices under the table!
    Please deplete Israel of all Palestinians within two weeks or return them to their suppliers.

  2. Is the boycott a threat or a promise? The PA produces next to nothing on its own, and that’s being generous.

    I actually think it’s a great idea: in addition to freezing the tax revenues, Osem, Strauss, et al should boycott the PA. So should the electric company and the water works.

    If they want a state so badly, let them show that they can actually run one.

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