WATCH: Vehicles Refuse To Yield To Williamsburg Hatzolah Amb Despite Empty Parking Spots

13 Responses

  1. If i would have been there, i would have smashed some windows of the unnamed body parts who didn’t move.

    If it was CH’V their relative…..

  2. #5
    that is the most shallow and warped comment ever. i dont know if u know but inynim of kashrus can become a sheila seoraisa. one has nothing with the other. and besides, y not be dan lekaf zechus that those werent yidden????

  3. #9 geula:

    Yes I do know exactly what I’m talking about. You can believe all you want in the religion of “Heimisha” “Hechscherim”, like as you say, drinking Tropicana OJ or Coke Cola is an issur Deoraisa to these morons. But as any 3 year old should know, saving a life is a Deoraisa as well. If it was YOUR baby daughter who was choking on a toy CH”V and EVERY second counted, you wouldn’t be playing that stupid Liberal game of “Dan Lekav Zchus! Yes I work in Williamsburg and the few Goyim left, dont drive 2015 Toyota Seina’s!

  4. “Menschlechkeit is not necessary.”

    This isn’t about menschlechkeit, this is about being cavalier with human life.

    This is the first time in a long time I’ve agreed with Mark Levin on something.

  5. HEY GUYS YOU ALL FORGET THAT HATZALAH ORIGINATED FROM WILLIAMSBURG. not to so they can do whatever they want but be dan lechaf zechus a bit. dont judge a fellow jew and then rally for ACHDUS

  6. Who do you think you are smashing peoples windows?how do you know whose driving the car,maybe its a woman afraid to get stuck in the snow bank?Also the horn honking doesnt help,everyone hears the sirens.Welcome to New York,its not Omaha,there are traffic tie ups.Also to all the “ambulances”: out there:if you used lights & sirens less often(ie;personal use) people wouldnt be so lethargic about the REAL siren.

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