Delegation of Dirshu Rabbanim Daven at the Tziyun of the Chafetz Chaim on Behalf of Thousands of Lomdei Daf Yomi B’Halacha [VIDEO & PICS]

DSCF0976Tears spilled and poignant prayers whispered in Radin during the historic visit of Dirshu Rabbanim to the tziyun of the Chafetz Chaim * 2 volumes of Sefer Hagiborim filled with tens of thousands of names placed beside the tziyun * Delegation returns in Eretz Yisrael in the early morning after Moscow layover * During journey, the delegation Rabbanim share divrei hisorrerus and prepare themselves for the pinnacle moment when they would shout as one, “Rebbe! Tens of thousands of Bnei Yisrael are learning your Torah and have committed to know the Halachos written in your Mishnah Brurah!”


 With hearts aglow and tear-filled eyes, Gedolei Yisrael representing the Dirshu Torah Empire and tens of thousands of lomdei Daf Yomi B’Halacha throughout the Jewish world, united at the sacred burial site of the Chafetz Chaim, Rabbi Yisrael Meir Hakohein, zy”a, in Radin and spilled heartfelt prayers on behalf of Klal Yisrael and specifically those who learn Daf Yomi B’Halacha every day.

There was not a dry eye in the beis hachaim in Radin, a town once boasting a world-famous Yeshiva and the venerable Gadol Hador, but that was devastated during the War. Rabbanim and tzaddikim, eminent Gedolei Hador, assembled yesterday at the tziyun of the Chafetz Chaim to offer their tefillos on behalf of Klal Yisrael. The delegation walked slowly and deliberately, their eyes lowered to protect their faces against the freezing cold as they made their way carefully through a pristine blanket of thick snow toward the holy tziyun. Their hearts were turned upward to Avinu Bashamayim, and their tear-drenched tefillos soared to the heavens as they entreated on behalf of Klal Yisrael, individually and collectively.


Torascha anu lomdim—Your Torah we learn!” they shouted from the depths of their hearts, accompanied by the tefillos of thousands of veteran and new learners who heed the call of Rabbanim and Gedolei Hador throughout the world who promote the daily study of Daf Yomi B’Halacha.

The delegation took off from Ben Gurion Airport on Sunday night, after midnight, and landed four-and-a-half hours later in Minsk International Airport in Belarus. In short time, they found themselves seated on a hired coach bus setting off for the three-hour journey to Radin. During the course of the ride, Rabbanim from the delegation took turns expressing the greatness of this event, priming themselves and the others for the exalted moments when they would reach the holy tziyun of the Chafetz Chaim. They expounded upon the enormous zechus they had in carrying the tefillos and requests of thousands of lomdei Torah who have committed to learn Daf Yomi B’Halacha every day and increase their knowledge of Halacha.  (A separate article and pamphlet will be printed summarizing each speech and highlighting the inspirational points mentioned during this time.)


The event commenced in the main sanctuary of the holy Yeshiva in Radin with a rousing Tefillas Shacharis followed by a shiur in Daf Yomi B’Halacha given by Nasi of Dirshu, Rabbi Dovid Hofstedter, shlit”a. Ninety years after the Mishnah Brurah was written and studied in this place, the famed Yeshiva in Radin absorbed another lesson in the Torah of its master, the Chafetz Chaim.

Right before noon, the delegation arrived at the ancient Jewish cemetery in Radin, burial site of our illustrious sages, the Chafetz Chaim, zy”a, and Hagaon Harav Naftali Tropp, ztvk”l. The resting place of these tzaddikim is shrouded in an aura of holiness, and the tefillos that emerged at this time left an indelible impact upon from the hearts of all who were privileged to participate in this inspiring journey.  Voices cracked in emotion as the delegation collectively recited the order of tefillos and Pirkei Tehillim as instructed by Gedolei Yisrael, and tears gushed forth in purity as captions in Perek 119 of Tehillim were recited spelling out the Chafetz Chaim’s name—Yisrael Meir. Tefillos ascended on wings to the heavens, and feelings of intense dveikus were felt by all as each member of the delegation recalled the countless requests he had received before venturing upon this journey—heartrending appeals for tefillos  to annul the tremendous tzaros that Klal Yisrael face on a daily basis—and davened fervently for yeshuos to all.

Eventually, it was time to reassemble and return to the waiting bus, yet all hearts longed to remain, imbibe greater kedusha and tahara and prolong the awesome feelings of intense dveikus to Hashem. The moments stretched as the members of the delegation utilized every last second in this holy place to recite another prayer and another, to add another request and entreat for another suffering Yid. The fierce cold and time constraints however eventually forced the last person to surrender and board the heated bus which winded its way back to Minsk as all on board continued whispering words of poignant prayer to the One Above.


Torascha Anu Lemeidim

Tefillah composed by Hagaon Hamekubal Harav Yaakov Hillel, shlit”a, in honor of the historic visit to the Chafetz Chaim’s kever in Radin. (Translated into English.)

Peace unto you our Master and tzaddik, Rabbeinu Yisrael Meir Hakohein ben Rabbi Aryeh Zev, zecher tzaddik livracha.”

It was with these words of greeting that Hagaon Hamekubal Harav Yaakov Hillel, shlit”a, Rosh Yeshivas Mekubalim Ahavas Shalom opened the historic tefillah event yesterday at the tziyun of the Chafetz Chaim in Radin, Belarus.

The special tefillah was printed in honor of the journey of a delegation of Dirshu Rabbanim to the Chafetz Chaim’s kever. It included heartfelt supplications on behalf of Acheinu Beis Yisrael, individually and collectively, interwoven with special requests for the thousands of lomdei Daf Yomi B’Halacha who heed the call and ruling of Gedolei Yisrael to learn a daily lesson in the Mishnah Brurah.

The purpose and message delivered by the journey to Radin and the special event at the tziyun was that Klal Yisrael is approaching the Chafetz Chaim with a heartfelt plea, “Rebbe! Thousands of Bnei Yisrael unite to learn your Torah every single day; they designate a special time each day to learn your Torah—the Mishnah Brurah. Please, Rebbe, daven for them and storm the heavens in your pleas on behalf of your talmidim so that they should all be blessed with bracha, hatzlacha and yeshuos in all that they need.”

Excitement was manifest in the Dirshu offices throughout the past days as last-minute preparations were completed before the event. Thousands of names of Yidden who have committed to learn a daily lesson in Mishnah Brurah flooded the offices via phone, fax and e-mail and were industriously compiled by the office faculty into a long list to be presented to the members of the delegation. Most heartwarming were the messages received from tze’irei tzon—determined young bachurim and sweet cheider boys who undertook to learn halachos from the Mishnah Brurah every day and relayed their pure requests to the Rabbanim of the delegation to daven at the tziyun of the Chafetz Chaim that they should merit ascending in Torah and yiras shamayim.

Al tze’irei tzon eilu anu omdim u’mevakshim u’mischanenim—For our young we stand and request and supplicate!” the Rabbanim cried from the bottom of their hearts at the holy burial site of the venerable Chafetz Chaim. “Ana Yoshev Meromim—Please, Hashem Who sits on High, hear their prayers, desire their gifts, accept them with love and have mercy on Your nation Yisrael for the sake of Your Great and Holy Name that is being sanctified by Your nation Yisrael through this great proliferation of Torah and the increase of merits for the salvation of each individual and our nation as a whole.”

Surely, their prayers burst through all Heavenly Gates and reached the Kisei Hakavod!

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One Response

  1. Just to clarify, the Rabbonim did not daven and cry out to the Chofetz Chaim Zt”l himself. The mishna berura 581 s.k.27 says you don’t daven to the tzadik rather to Hashem in the zchus of the tzadik. If you read carefully, the article doesn’t say that the Rabbonim did either.

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