PHOTO: Israeli Police Place Protester At Kikar Shabbos Into Chokehold


17 Responses

  1. Finally – they should get back to the yeshiva and continue learning if they want to protect us – not disrupt the traffic. They deserve that

  2. Using violence against unarmed and largely peaceful protest is a very unwise policy. It shows the high anxiety of the zionists that their legitimacy is subject to question. They are afraid of the hareidim, and by resorting to violence they are advertising their fear and anxiety.

  3. Well done #6 – well put! sharp thinking!

    do you guys even KNOW why they are protesting?
    My son went through the whole me’halach of getting pushed off from drafting.
    He was there from 10 in the morning till 3 in the afternoon.
    The TV was on blaring with the most obnoxious, non appropriate programs (which no parent would want ANY of their children to be exposed to).
    Then came the ‘medical’ check up – in the nude – by who?
    a LADY doctor.
    when he asked for a male doctor, he was told, either this doctor, or you’re not getting your ‘dichui’ from the army.
    THAT is one of the reasons why Reb Shmuel Auerbach is fighting for the boys NOT to go to the army offices, and that’s why they have been arrested…
    But this is only the tip of the iceberg. there are plenty more valid reasons why Reb Shmuel is against the new law for the army conscription.
    So before ANY of you say – beheimas and chilul Hashem, think about what YOU would say, if YOU had a child who had to go this procedure!!!

  4. Let’s see here . . . he’s granted an exemption from the IDF to learn full time, yet he seems to have time to leave the B”M to protest . . . so if he’s got that much time on his hands, he’s obviously not learning full time, so off to the IDF he goes.

  5. Are all you people sonei Hashem V’torasio? The charedim want to learn and the zionist people want to shmad them by forcing them to go to the army. We must not let this happen. All previous generations survived by keeping the Torah. We will go jail better then to go to the army!! Besides, the police are vicious people. You can see the viciousness in thier eyes when they beat up unarmed and untrained innocent people, (who never commited a crime). You should be ashamed of yourself for calling them beheimos or saying that they deserve such brutality. They feel that we are a threat to their existence, therfore they will go to all ends to eradicate us. Shebchol

  6. Dor v’dor oimdim aleinu l’chaloiseinu. Ve’hakadosh Baruch Hu matzileinu miyadam. The zionist movement was created to eradicate orthodox jewey. We will not let it happen.

  7. Lets get something straight. Even someone who is’nt learning a word the whole day shouldn’t go to the army. The army is a bad place for any frum person, learning or not!!! As chilliworker2 posted!! So even if a bochur is not learning he still should not go to the army.

  8. You see the world through jaded eyes. I learn AND I work AND I am a good Jew. If these guys were SO intent on making sure that there is always Torah learning they wouldn’t be sitting in kikar Shabbos in the middle of the street. They are not innocent.

    And by the way – a woman dr is just as qualified as her male counterpart – so if they want an exemption from the army — tell them to suck it up. Trust me – the woman dr has no desire to see this yeshiva guy naked…..

  9. the army isn’t a place for frum jews-even 20-25% of dati leumi kids come out of the army non-frum.
    The army is still controlled by the secular ,Ashkenazi,leftist (and male)elite

  10. Put these policemen in IDF uniforms and send them to Gaza. They already know all of the tactics of how to handle the Arab terrorist youth. That is where they should be applying their choke-hold skills.

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