NJ State Trooper’s Nazi Daughter Threatens ‘Bombing Time’ For Lakewood Jews


The following is via the APP:

A State Police sergeant’s teenage daughter who dressed like Hitler and posted on social media a picture of a popular gathering spot for Orthodox Jews — with the caption “perfect bombing time” — may have behaved offensively, but not criminally, authorities said.

The Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office examined the Twitter post and a cache of other pro-Hitler images by the Jackson teen and her associates and concluded that they did not amount to any credible threat.

“There was never any danger being posed to the community,” said Al Della Fave, a spokesman for the office. “It didn’t rise to anything criminal.”

He added that the one teen’s connection to law enforcement afforded her no special treatment — even as police remain on heightened alert for terrorism and threats conveyed through social media.

“That would not be something that would be a determining factor,” Della Fave said. “That has no bearing on the case.”

He also dismissed any suggestion that the authorities would have taken a harsher view if the posters — apparently all white — were of a different background.

“Everything was evaluated at face value. We have been assured by the families and the school that this is something that will be handled.”


04 03 02


18 Responses

  1. Teens dont get these behaviors on their own, and even if they did they would not publicize them for fear their father would beat them to a pulp. The fact that shes so open about it shows she learned this behavior at home this trooper must be fired immediately hes unfit to serve and protect. Im surprised the Agudah which made a statement didnt call for his firing

  2. If she doesnt get put away for a long time, the USA is a very dangerous place for Jews.

    This wasnt a cartoon, this was getting dressed up as a famous murderer and encouraging murder.

    Id like to know why she thought that this behavior wouldnt land her in jail.

  3. Is anyone thinking that her father or mother or other adults in her household, were unaware of her plan, that they were totally clueless?

    It took time and effort to get that costume together. Where was the costume stored? She doesnt seem bright enough to have hidden everything from everyone in her home. C’mon!

  4. She has some macabre sense of humor, either spawned by her parents or not. However, Yeshiva World does not have to give her the benefit of an extended platform to show her ugly face and ugly personality.

  5. Well of course. If this white kid would of done the equivalent to a black group, the world would end as we know it. Eric Witholder would immediately launch a Federal investigation. The Kenyan in the White House would of repeated his mantra of how the blacks are still being persecuted. Sharpton would of incited another riot. The family would be forced into hiding.
    But alas, its only against Orthodox Jews, so ha ha. No harm done. You know, dumb teenager. Ha ha

  6. Although it pains me to write this but we are living in a free country in which we can practice our religion freely and B”H have a good relationship with state and government leaders, but the good country comes along with free speech

  7. hmm I wonder….

    There seems to be a Mcguinness residing in Jackson NJ who is listed as an officer with the NJ State Police. He is also on Facebook under the name Steven McGuinness. His friends might also be people that follow his daughters views…. No threats no intimidation just a revelation of information. Sometimes when people don’t show their friends on facebook they can still be contacted through their comments on that persons post. Sometimes it also helps to let groups know about certain behaviors which are considered unacceptable in society. Maybe even be able to get a public apology from the individual if he or she feels enough pressure.

    Anyway food for thought

  8. #11 yes we have free speech but that does not include threats
    The Ocean county Prosecutor Della Fave has no right deciding on this case. he used to be employed by the NJSP as their spokesperson, it should go to an independent prosecutor. if this girl and her father walk it will be a disgusting stain on our legal system. where is child services on this? this girl needs to be taken from her hate filled household

  9. Is the girl’s name Jill McGuinness? When people google: what was the name of the teenage girl who dressed up like a nazi? They should the kid’s name.

    Was Jill McGuiness aka Jilly McGilly the person’s name?

  10. Not getting involved says:
    February 5, 2015 at 11:56 pm

    NOT GETTINVOLVED SAID: “Well of course. If this white kid would of done the equivalent to a black group, the world would end as we know it. Eric Witholder would immediately launch a Federal investigation. The Kenyan in the White House would of repeated his mantra of how the blacks are still being persecuted. Sharpton would of incited another riot. The family would be forced into hiding.
    But alas, its only against Orthodox Jews, so ha ha. No harm done. You know, dumb teenager. Ha ha”

    Ill ignore the KENYAN crap, but lets think if this was a Muslim kid. (he’d have been arrested by homeland security) – ITS WHITE PRIVILEGE – ( I guess she cant be CHARLIE thou,)

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