Comeback Careers: Women in the Workforce


What happens when a mother who has spent years, even decades, of her life devoting herself wholly to her family is ready to go out and work, again?

What happens when she finds that the professional world has galloped ahead at record-breaking speed in her absence? Will an employer find value in her unique skills, intelligence and life experience?

Parnassah Network has created the Women in the Workforce Division launched at last year’s Parnassah Expo. The Women in the Workforce is offering a full day seminar program on Feb. 18th in the Sheraton in Edison. The seminar is geared specifically toward women over 40 who are contemplating re-entry into the workforce. So many of the women in this bracket are intelligent, talented individuals who have valuable skills to offer prospective employers but who feel crippled by the gap in their resume and by the giant leaps technology has taken in their absence.


The full day event will take place at the Sheraton Hotel in Edison on Wednesday, February 18th from 9:30 – 4:30.

An impressive lineup of presenters will guide women through many of the skills they need to reacquire, as well as provide valuable tips and advice.

Sara Brejt Esq. CPC, will draw on her life coaching experience to help attendees discover the skills they will be bringing to the conference table.

Sori Leshkowitz of Stellar Resumes will focus on building an effective resume, the first tool in the arsenal of the newly working woman, while Penina Haikins HR Director at Beth Medrash Govoah will outline effective interview skills and methods of obtaining them.

Devorah Hirsch, of Comp4U will teach the basics of Microsoft Outlook, another vital tool in any office setting, and Tova Herskovitz LSW, coordinator of Women in the Workforce, will address technology and its vital role in the workforce.

Of course, opportunities for invaluable peer networking will abound, and a breakfast and hot lunch will be served, included in the attendance fee.

Presenters will be available for individual follow-up, both after the event and at the upcoming Parnassah Expo. The Expo will take place one month after this seminar, allowing attendees to continue the ongoing conversation there. After testing the waters and beginning to implement what they learned, they will then have the opportunity to touch base with both presenters and fellow attendees, bringing up the questions and challenges they’ve encountered thus far.

Women in the Workforce’s seminar is based on the model of Parnassah Network’s successful seminars, whose targeted topics and specific market enable attendees to walk away with a tremendous amount of  guidance and clarity on the given topic. Here, women will feel comfortable in the presence of a limited group of peers, all of similar ages and stages, who can relate to the struggles and challenges they face without judgment.

This seminar is a truly empowering choice for the many who are facing this overwhelming transition, enabling them to embrace the opportunities that await them.

The all-inclusive fee is $199, and space is limited, so early registration is advised.

To find out more or to register please click here or email us at [email protected], or call 732-746-0306.

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Women in the Workforce, a division of Parnassah Network, is devoted to helping women of all ages and stages navigate and succeed in their careers and recognizes the need for support and resources for the ever-increasing number of women who find themselves in this position. Women in the Workforce was launched at last year’s Parnassah Expo. The organization is assisted  by an executive committee of professional women who are committed to helping frum women excel in their roles at the workplace as well as balancing both their work and family responsibilities. Women In The Workforce is an innovative initiative aimed at addressing the realities that today’s working women face by providing  education, networking, and empowerment through programs and events.

The upcoming seminar is a response to the challenges faced by this particular growing demographic. It is an astoundingly comprehensive, full day seminar devoted to providing women with the tools they need to re-enter the competitive career market with self-confidence and poise.



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