Tefilos Continue For The Tzaddik of Yavniel, HaRav Eliezer Shlomo Schick Of Breslov

yavThe Tzaddik of Yavniel, HaGaon Rav Eliezer Shlomo Shick Shlita remains critical. An atzeres tefilla began in Yavniel at 16:00.

The rav was taken to Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital in NYC during a visit to NYC, where doctors found he is in the late stage of leukemia R”L.

The rav’s family remains at his bedside reciting Tehillim and slichos. His wife is also in need of Rachmei Shomayim – suffering from a serious illness herself.

The tzibur is urged to be mispallel for Eliezer Shlomo ben Malka and Yachna Shifra bas Susiya bsoch kol cholei yisrael.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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