Poll: 33 Percent of Yishai Supporters Are Ashkenazim

yish18ording to the latest Magar Mochot poll conducted by Professor Yitzchak Katz for Kol Berama Radio, the Shas party is down to 6 seats as is Yahadut Hatorah. Only 12% of Shas voters will vote for Eli Yishai and 50% of Yishai voters have voted for parties that fail to meet the minimum threshold to enter Knesset.

The polls shows that if elections were held today, Likud and Labor/The Movement would both receive 24 seats. They would be followed by Bayit Yehudi with 14, and then the Arab bloc 12, Yesh Atid 11, Kulanu 8, Meretz 6, Yahadut Hatorah 6, Yisrael Beitenu 5 and Yachad 4.

The poll also showed that 6% of the chareidi public would vote for Bnei Torah if it was running independent, which would amount to three seats. Many Bnei Torah followers are expected to boycott the election.

Regarding Eli Yishai, 50% of his party’s backers voted in the past for parties that did not meet the minimum to enter Knesset, including Otzma Yisrael and Am Shalem. This would signal the union between Yishai and Marzel will be beneficial. 12% of Yishai supporters voted Shas in the past, while 16% come from Bayit Yehudi and 5% Likud.

33% of Yachad supporters identify as being Ashkenazi and one-third of Israeli believe Yishai will pass the minimum threshold.

425 people were interviewed by phone, representing a cross section of the adult Jewish population.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Why lose representation by Bnei Torah not voting.? So foolish.

    At least let them get the $100 promised by Satmar for not voting & instead buy some food for Oneg Shabbos.

  2. His party is a mixture of frum Sefardim who are too nationalistic for Shas, and Hardalim who are too focused for Bayit Yehudi. The later is primarily Ashkenazi. So what’s the big deal?

  3. “6% of the chareidi
    public would vote for Bnei Torah if it was
    running independent, which would amount to
    three seats”

    so the full chareidi public amounts to 50 seats?!

  4. “”The poll also showed that 6% of the chareidi public would vote for Bnei Torah if it was running independent, which would amount to three seats.””

    It’s less than one seat. Do the math. 
    12,000 to 15,000 

    (they also originally said that figure but then retracted because the 6 percent is of the chareidi public not total population.)

  5. Last night Eli Yishai made a campaign stop in a shul in my neighborhood, I was impressed. He is trying to build a party based on achdus and he has my vote.

  6. with all due respect to my Sfardi friends here in Eretz Yisroel, they tend to be very emotional in making decisions and unlike the Askenazim who are more logical.

    Because of this they are attached to dreadful Deri and the rabbis who support him, where as many Askenazim can not stomach Degel/Yahadut built in self serving style. So many Askenazim are attracted to Yishi who holds promise for a decent politician who isn’t in just to suck out money for his personal mosdot.

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