Jerusalem Selected for Ministry’s Restaurant Hashgacha Pilot Program

kosherThe Ministry of Religious Services announces Yerushalayim has been selected for its hashgacha pilot program after officials in the city’s religious council asked to be included.

To date, mashgichim working for the Jerusalem Rabbanut have been employed by the eatery they supervise. This is the case in most local rabbinates around the country. The ministry feel this results in a conflict of interests since if tensions result between the eatery owner and the mashgiach, it may impact his employment.

The real details of the pilot project will not be announced until following Knesset elections.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. This is universal problem. B”H they are trying to do something about it.

    The same problem holds true with the major kashrus organizations in the U.S.

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