VIDEO AND PHOTOS: Chabad Moscow Breaks the Record for Fruit Salad this Tu B’Shevat


A record was broken by Chabad in Moscow this week, on Tu B’Shevat, as the largest recorded fruit salad was prepared to mark the event. The event was held in the Shaare Zedek Chassidic Jewish Center in Central Moscow.

Hundreds of elderly community residents took part in preparing the salad which was to be distributed to the elderly and homebound. The idea was that many of the participants in the project are often on the receiving end and this time around, they merited being among the givers.

The chassidic center is known for its vast activities on behalf of the thousands of elderly and homebound Jewish residents of Moscow. The center assists by providing meals, arranging for medical care, giving psychological support to the elderly and providing a Jewish atmosphere, especially on yomim tovim, for the community that would otherwise have nothing.

Chief Rabbi of Russia HaGaon HaRav Berel Lazar Shlita was on hand to take part in the record-breaking event, giving divrei Torah pertaining to the significance of Tu B’Shevat, man and trees. Rabbi Lazar peeled and cut up the last piece of fruit to top off the salad. The receptacle holding the salad was built specially for the occasion.

Israeli Consul and close friend of the center, Mr. Yaakov Rosh were on hand as well, praising the work of Rabbi Lazar and the center. The day’s events culminated with Rabbi Lazar and Rosh affixing a mezuzah to the Beis Chabad and Beis Knesses Tefilla L’Moshe, a shul that is used daily for shiurim.

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(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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