Hillary Clinton on Vaccines: ‘The Science Is Clear’

vaacnHillary Rodham Clinton is tweaking Republicans who say vaccinations should be optional, writing on social media that vaccines protect the lives of children.

Clinton says on Twitter, “The science is clear: The earth is round, the sky is blue, and #vaccineswork. Let’s protect all our kids.” The potential Democratic presidential candidate ends her Twitter commentary with the hashtag #GrandmothersKnowBest.

Clinton’s tweet on Monday night came after New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said parents should have choice in the matter. His office later clarified his comments, saying that with a disease like measles there’s no question kids should be vaccinated. Christie is a potential Republican presidential candidate in 2016.

House Speaker John Boehner and House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi say separately that children should be vaccinated.


3 Responses

  1. There are many legal reasons against mandatory vaccines. One is that it isn’t practical to have the police go around rounding up people to vaccinate them. They could and probably should, and probably do in most places, ban unvaccinated children from public schools or public institutions where they can spread diseases – but that’s not quite the same as rounding up kids and giving them vaccines against their parents’ wishes.

  2. I don’t see why we should believe the “scientists” on this one. Not after they lie to us about the big bang, evolution, and global warming. They are certainly not credible as far as Torah goes…

  3. Re comment no. 1: You have once again demonstrated that your reasoning and opinions have no connection with the real world. No one has proposed that the police round up the unvaccinated, except you.

    Re comment no. 2: Many practicing scientists believe in Torah and recognize that science has not answered all the questions posed by our existence and the existence of the universe. The Seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe was educated as a scientist and engineer and addressed many scientific questions. There are Jewish publications that regularly address the issues raised by scientific contradictions with Torah, going back to the Rambam’s “Guide for the Perplexed”. Don’t be so quick to call scientists (or any other group of people you do not understand) “liars.”

    And for a non-sequitur: given your screen name, I would call on you only if I wanted to discuss murder. You lack grace, but there is a ray of hope for you.

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