Bnei Brak Protest Against the Arrest of Talmidei Yeshiva

Hafganah-16The protests against the IDF arrest of a number of talmidim who failed to report to the induction center continued on Tuesday, 14 Shevat. A protest was held on Tuesday afternoon in Bnei Brak at the intersection of Jabotinsky and Rabbi Akiva Streets. Police moved in and arrested three protesters in an effort to keep the main vehicular routes open.

The talmidim were arrested after they failed to report to an induction center, categorized by the IDF as AWOL (Absent without Official Leave).

Dozens of arrests were made on Monday as protests were held around the country. Some of those arrested in Ashdod are being charged with assaulting police and interfering with police.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. You might assume that the increase in arrests is due to fights that broke out in the Ponevezh yeshiva yesterday – in which 30 bochrim were rightfully arrested, and not attribute this to “Torah-haters”

  2. I was in a Nesher van on the way to the airport on Sunday night in Yerushalayim when we encountered a rioting mob of chareidi hooligans burning the contents of large public trash bins. If these people believe that such a demonstration garners support for their cause they are mistaken. I have never heard responsible leadership call for setting fires in public trash bins in order to vent anger. As our van passed the burning bin whose flames extended 5+ feet into the air we were afraid that the fire would engulf our vehicle. Indeed we felt our van hit by some heavy object. B’H the window was not hit or the van occupants could have been seriously injured. These unlawful demonstrations are a Chilul Hashem and hurt the cause of the demonstrators. A peaceful, daytime demonstration wwould have been more effective but less entertaining. I am certain that these demonstrators were not among the ‘yakerei Yerushalayim’.

  3. i’d love to see what YOU jew-haters would do if YOU or your sons were forced by Obamba into the american army.
    And if you don’t want to join the army, then come along to the inscription center and we will give push of your conscription (for a certain amount of time).
    BUT before you get the pushed off, you first have to wait for hours at the conscription center, with the TV blaring no tzniudig programs. you have to fill up pages and pages of questionaires, and then: the cherry on the cream cake – you need to go through a ‘medical check up’, in the nude, by A LADY soldier doctor.
    I’m sure you jew-haters would absolutely lurv it!!!
    now, think again b/4 writing against protesters who KNOW what they are protesting about!!!!

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