HaRav Moshe Sternbuch to Sikrikim: I Will Never Be Moichel You

shternbAfter being attacked numerous times physically, not to mention insults and pashkavilim, Ravaad Eida Chareidis HaGaon HaRav Moshe Sternbuch Shlita has spoken out, informing sikrikim he will never moichel them for their unacceptable actions against him surrounding his piskei halacha pertaining to the Ramat Avraham project at the Schneller complex in Geula, Yerushalayim. The sikrikim oppose Rav Sternbuch’s willingness to give control of the complex to Israel Antiquities Authority officials.

Rav Sternbuch has explained that his beis din ruled on the matter and Rabbi Lifshitz will be on location to supervise work at all times. Rav Sternbuch decries “the lies” spread about him by sikrikim, as if he is permitting the state agency to defile kevarim chas v’sholom. As such, he informs them there is no mechila on this matter ever.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Goofus, that is so Hashem can forgive him. In terms of the Rabbi forgiving him– he is only forgiven once the Rabbi says so.

  2. It’s not his own Kavod that’s being desecrated it’s the Kavod of the Torah and being as that it’s also the Kavod of Hashem no there is no Mechila

  3. It is important to make it clear that this is not a case of the Raavad Chas v’Shalom being Makpid on his own Kavod. He is standing up for Kavod ha’Torah, which is not his to be Moichel.
    goofus – when it happens, then the Raavad can decide whether or not to accept the request. At this point, his response is the Torah-mandated one.

  4. It seems a little bothersome to me that Yeshiva World news had no problem reporting this machlokes fully when it was making headlines last year, but we have yet to hear a word from YWN about the outbreak in Ponevezh yeshiva yesterday.

  5. The Sikrikim are nothing but frum terrorists who try to force their ignorant opinion on others by intimidating the Rav.

    Shame on the Jewish community for allowing them to live amongst them. They should be forcibly evicted from their homes and banished to Gaza. They will love living in a place were no one can have a opinion other than that of Hamas.

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