Bnei Torah Party Will Not Vote for Yahadut Hatorah

aurAt present it appears Yahadut Hatorah will be losing the votes of the split-off Bnei Torah party in the upcoming elections. According to a column in the erev Shabbos Parshas Bo Bnei Torah-affiliated HaPeles newspaper, the decision has been made not to back Yahadut Hatorah. The newspaper cites a decision from 40 years ago when the litvish community did not back the only chareidi party at the time, Agudas Yisrael.

Persons affiliated with the party explain such a column would not have appeared in the newspaper without prior approval of HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita. The newspaper explains the obligation to vote on Election Day is not automatic but subject to the decision of Gedolei Yisrael with each election being its own entity. “ככל אשר יורוהו, יעשה; וכלעוד לא יורוהו – אינו מצווה ואינו עושה”!

The newspaper reminds readers of the elections that were held in Teves 5734 when HaGaon Maran Rav Shach ZT”L and the Steipler ZT”L who always favored voting refrained from doing so and would not sign a kol korei that year and bnei torah refrained from voting as a result.

HaPeles quotes the words of the Steipler saying “כמתן הכשר בדיעבד על כל תעלוליהם”, voting would be tantamount to a b’dieved approval of the party and this is unacceptable.

The column begins detailing the faults of the party in the outgoing Knesset, citing even Agudas Yisrael is no longer true to its own mission of “וייעשו כולם אגודה אחת”.

The newspaper then condemns the position taken on the chareidi draft, citing the approach that was adopted are “naive and conciliatory approach that reflects criminal negligence”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. Why can’t the frum community
    be united. What’s wrong with achdus. There is much more
    that unites then doesn’t. Do you know what kind of power a united front will give.
    even the Arabs have a united list.

  2. If they abstain it will hurt hareidim in the Kenesset, though it makes it easier for them to claim status as political prisoners (under international law) when the government starts rounding up frum draft refusers.

  3. Should we have a separate Charedi Party for each Chasidish group and one for each nusach. Wasn’t the idea of Agudas Yisreol originally to show a United Front Making more political strength AND Kiddush Hashem and Kal Ysiroel Chaverim united around the Torah

  4. Don’t know if people realised that rav shmuel orbach never spoke anything in any public event for this Bnei Torah party there’s only letters from him or videos that you should go to the IDF even the first time (different then rav shtinmam said) i think everyone knows that letters doesn’t mean anything, unfortunately he has no children so the people now who look after him and who are around him are the same people who were thrown out from Dagel (yatad newspaper) when rav shtinmam toke over the party, so I feel there is something spuky with this whole party I am not saying that r’ shmuel orbach agrees with rav shtinmam on everything he does but that’s normal that two gedolim hold differently, these people are taking advantage from this and using it for themselves maybe I’m wrong but something is not straightforward here.

  5. “Why can’t the frum community be united. What’s wrong with achdus.”

    1) Everyone wants to unite the frum community to do what he wants to do and not what other frum people want to do.

    2) Everyone wants to unite only the parts of the frum community that agree with him and to exclude the parts that don’t.

  6. I don’t understand the politics of Eretz Yisroel. And I don’t understand Gedolei Yisroel. But there is a fundamental difference between my two lacks of understanding. Politics I COULD understand, but don’t care to. The opinions of Gedolei Yisroel, on the other hand, I very much desire to understand, but know I can’t. My limited knowledge of Shas and Poskim plus my involvement in the secular world, precludes me from reaching the levels of chochmah, binah, da’as, and seichel which they have, and the tremendous siyata di’Shmaya which is therefore granted them is not mine either. I therefore do as all my ancestors did before me; I defer to their opinions. And when they differ from one another, I accept the precept of eilu,v’eilu granted to those we know are capable of speaking divrei E-lokim Chaim.

  7. Those who call themselves the ‘bnei torah’ party do it to give themselves some sort of kashrus. They are screw balls who can not seem to live in the world.

    We don’t need extremists who can deal with the reality of life. We need real leaders, not political fat cats who want more money for their yeshivas.

    It is a shame that today everyone seems to hate the next Yid and all in the name of politics.

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