NBC New York: NYS Senate Majority Leader Skelos Under Criminal Investigation

skelosOne week after the arrest of Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, we have new information on what the U.S. attorney meant when he told reporters to “stay tuned” for new developments in his investigation of state government.

NBC New York is reporting that Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos is under criminal investigation.

Sources close to the investigation tell NBC New York that the U.S. attorney is looking into Skelos’ ties to the real estate industry.

Skelos, a Republican from Long Island, has not been charged with a crime.

Neither Skelos nor the U.S. Attorney’s Office commented for the WNBC report.

Silver denies the accusations that he took $4 million in bribes. He is stepping down as speaker, however, while the investigation continues.

(Source: WNYT)

4 Responses

  1. The reason why Gay Marriage is the Law of the land in New York State, is because of the little weakling coward loser Dean Skelos! It was HE, an alleged Republican who allowed the “vote” to be brought to the floor of the Senate! He totally capitulated to the Minority Democrats! HE will go down in History as THEE low life with no backbone who brought immorality to the Empire State!

    Interesting that the prosecuter is going after Silver & Skelos who brought us Gay Marriage. All we need now, is to get Coumo and we will have the trifecta of perverts out of power.

  2. Not getting involved,

    Are you equally supportive of Harry Reid not bringing bills to the vote in the US senate?

    Ultimately, same-sex marriage was passed in NYS because it was the will of the people, confirmed by polling.

  3. This explains Sheldon Silver’s problem. He was hanging out with bad company, his fellow legislators. Perhaps New York can better accomodate its legislators be moving out of that ridiculous chateau in Albany and having the legislature meet in Sing Sing or Attica or Rikers Island – that way the people’s representatives can legislate while serving sentences.

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