Republicans: House to Begin Work on Health Care Alternative

senThe House will vote next week to repeal the health care law Republicans have vowed to undo. They’ll also direct work to start on a replacement bill the GOP promised more than four years ago.

The House voted more than 50 times in the past two years to repeal the law in whole or in part. Next week’s vote will be the first for such a bill in the new Congress. It will also be the first time the legislation will go to a Republican-controlled Senate.

A memo from House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy to rank-and-file Republicans does not say if the bill will set deadlines for finishing a replacement.

House Republicans promised in the 2010 campaign to repeal and replace the health care law.


2 Responses

  1. How much the Republican party has changed can be seen from past Republican policies on healthcare. Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford supported universal health insurance; their program would have had all Americans join an HMO. Germany, France, and Israel have similar programs. And 22 years ago Bob Dole and about 20 other Republican Senators to support a plan that would have had all Americans enroll in a private health insurance plan. Today, however, the Republican plan is “let ’em die”, as repealing Obamacare would mean that people with any medical condition would be unable to get medical insurance. Repealing Obamacare would also increase healthcare costs and the budget deficit. Will they ever come to their senses?

  2. Thank you charlatan, you socialist commie. Now go back to your friends at the daily kooks.

    How do you when charlatan is lying?
    When he posts something and when he moves his lips.

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