Thousands of Women Planning on Attending Irgun Shiurei Torah Lecture Series for Married Women

CaptureDo you live in Brooklyn, Monsey, or Lakewood?  Lucky you.  Then chances are you’ve seen the ads for Irgun Shiurai Torah’s lecture series for married women called “The Essence of a Jewish Home.”  If there’s only one event series you will attend over the course of the year, this has to be it!

Just ask Devoirie from Boro Park.  She’s already hired a babysitter for these evenings.  She doesn’t want to miss a minute of it.  Or Shifra from Monsey who will make sure her children’s homework will be done on time.  Or Yehudis, who lives in Lakewood and is planning to prepare supper early for her family on the days of the event

What’s so special about these lectures?  For starters, they aren’t offered on a regular basis.  They represent a historic opportunity to be enlightened and inspired.  They are designed to help enhance one’s marriage and the kedusha in the home.  Most of all, they were painstakingly reviewed by Gedolim and Rabbonim for their accuracy and content.

The buzz is already quite powerful, as women discuss their plans for attending these lectures.  “I don’t want to miss any of them,” says Devoirie.  “All my friends are planning to be there.”  Shifra says that neighbors are already forming car pools and Yehudis relates that women in her area are planning to bring along pens and pads so they can take notes and review them whenever necessary.  An unmistakable aura of anticipation surrounds all three communities.

And no wonder.  The series, which is being offered by Irgun Shiurai Torah, will discuss the topics of halacha and hashkafa in marriage, shalom bayis, and tznius.  The series will also include a Shalom Bayis Symposium featuring prominent guest speakers.

In Brooklyn, Rebbetzin Sorah Mermelstein, Rebbetzin of the Novominsker Rosh Yeshiva, will speak at Tiferes Rivka Hall, 1257 38th Street.  The lectures will be held at 8:00 PM on three consecutive Motzei Shabbosos, Parshas Beshalach (January 31), Yisro (February 7), and Mishpatim (February 14).

In Monsey, the lectures will be presented by Rebbetzin Esther Halberstadt at the Atrium Plaza located at 7 Route 59.  The three part series will be held on Monday, February 2nd, Tuesday February 10th, and Motzei Shabbos, February 21st.  All lectures will begin promptly at 8:00 PM.


And in Lakewood, Rebbetzin Judy Oelbaum will speak at Tiferes Bais Yaakov, 613 Oak Street.  The series will be held on Wednesday February 4th, Tuesday February 10th, and Monday February 23rd (at Ateres Reva, 500 Summer Avenue).  The lectures will begin promptly at 8:00 PM.


A one time donation of twenty dollars will entitle women to one, two, or all three sessions.  Proceeds will help support these gatherings which are part of Irgun Shiurai Torah’s Worldwide Taharas Hamishpacha Project.  Organizers have indicated that women from all segments of the community — Litvish, Chassidish, Sephardic, Yeshivish, and everyone in between — are planning to participate in these events.


Maran HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, Shlita, and Maran HaRav Aaron Leib Shteinman, Shlita, have both given their brachas for the hatzlacha of these events.  Additionally, a Kol Koreh is presently being prepared to be signed by many prominent Gedolim urging women to attend.  Among the signatories will be the Novominsker Rebbe, Rav Yosef Rosenblum, Rav Moshe Green, Rav Yechezkel Roth, the Mattesdorfer Rov, Rav Moshe Wolfson, Rav Malkiel Kotler, the Kossover Rebbe, the Skverer Dayan of Boro Park Rav Mechel Steinmetz, the Pupa Dayan of Boro Park Rav Moshe Menachem Weiss, the Faltishaner Dayan Rav Yitzchok Stein, the Belzer Dayan Rav Usher Eckstein, and many more.


Devoirie, Shifra, and Yehudis are busy planning their attendance at these lectures.  They, like so many others, recognize how vital this series is to the well-being of their homes, their marriages, and their families.  They wouldn’t miss it for the world.  Why should you?


For more information, contact Irgun Shiurai Torah at 718 851 8651 or tape [email protected]  

One Response

  1. From the second paragraph it sounds like Devoirie, Shifra, and Yehudis are all single moms.

    Also, why is this in the news section? It’s an obvious advertisement. If I were the writer I would have at least phrased it less a “advertisement” fashion.

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