Three Jews Living in Flatbush Entrapped by Missionaries, BJX Reacts

“The Chiddushei Harim explained that the plague of darkness wasn’t confined to Egypt. Rather it is a recurring plague of V’lo Rau Ish es Achiv – when Yidden fail to see, acknowledge or recognize their brothers who need their assistance. During the plague of darkness, the Jewish people had light in their dwellings. R’ Yisroel of Ruzhin, Zt”l, says that every Jew is a light and it’s incumbent on each person to reach out to share the light and bring light into the darkness that pervades the world”, said Rav Yitzchok Fingerer, the Rav and Rosh Kollel of BJX.


“There is a mageifah in the Jewish world. Nine out of ten Jews are unaffiliated, with no connection to Torah Judaism. Of those that are from the frum world, so many have fallen astray and don’t feel connected. Ain Bayis Asher Ein Shom Meis- there is no home that hasn’t been affected,” commented Rav Fingerer.


BJX (Brooklyn Jewish Xperience) is the only organization of its kind with programs for unaffiliated Jews as well as programs for disenfranchised young adults and youth-at-risk. In the past month alone, BJX taught Yiddishkeit to 85 unaffiliated college students and has forty unaffiliated young professionals who are enrolled in the Aleph Beis & Hebrew class. These classes are all in addition to the many daily programs BJX has for those on the fringe from the frum community of all ages. “We need your help. It’s pikuach nefesh! If we don’t reach out to our fellow Jews and spread the light, there will be others, like the missionaries, r’l, who will. We are already fighting to save three young Jews living in Flatbush that are entrapped by  the missionaries. It’s a community achrayus. Please be generous,” urged Rav Fingerer. Please donate here:

BJX is endorsed by many local Rabbonim and by the Rosh Hayeshiva of Yeshivas Torah Vodaas, Maran Harav Yisroel Belsky, shlita. To help save a life and create a brighter Jewish future, call 718-513-1093, or visit

6 Responses

  1. welcome to the generation of self-centeredness & instant gratification. where everything is ME ME & ONLY ME.

    when we start to care for one another & feel the pain of another yid when tragedy strikes C”V, when we finally wake up & confess to Hashem that its time for us to do teshuva. then Mashiach can come.

    until then the tzaros will just need to continue getting worse R”L.

    open up a rambam & see what he wrote almost 1000 years ago saying:
    The situation in Eretz Yisroel & in the Diaspora is very bad from Terrorists to the entire Economy going down etc… If anyone should ask why all these Tzaros are Happening to Klal Yisroel he only needs to look at what the Rambam says. Saying that as long as we remain ignorant of the present troubles that we have & what the reasons are that they are happening. The situation can only get worse until Mashiach comes. With the society we are living in today we (sadly) CONSTANTLY need reminders (wake-up calls) from HASHEM for us to do T’shuva & return to HASHEM so all this Tzaros can end & Mashiach comes.

  2. Oy!!!! Very powerful video. Yasher koach BJX for all your amazing work for rechokim and kerovim. If only there was a BJX in Brooklyn 20 years ago….

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