Israel Police Deputy Chief Joins the Department’s Immorality List

mishtIsrael Police Shai (Shomron-Yehuda) District Chief Kobi Cohen announced he is stepping down from his senior command post just a few short days ago amid allegations he abused his high-ranking post to compel female subordinates to engage in immoral activities with him.

As Israel Police tries to recover from its tarnished image, yet a sixth major-general is mentioned in a similar case, this time the deputy chief of the entire department.

Eight female subordinates have already signed affidavits alleging Major-General Nissim Mor officer abused his position involving them. Mor was quick to realize the mounting evidence against him and it is now clear he will not be returning to the department following his leave. Actually, based on reports he may find himself imprisoned following the investigation and likely criminal trial.

Police Chief Yochanan Danino told the media that unacceptable behavior in the department will not be tolerated on any level.

In light of yet another senior police commander joining the list of those having to resign, MK Dr. Aliza Lavie of the Knesset Committee for the Advancement of Women has arranged for a special session to discuss the situation. “The situation in the police today is similar to the IDF 20 years ago” she added.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Why even report this. Do you think anyone heard of this district chief. This is not the most kosher story. Kids are on this site. Come on!!

  2. I have no problem with this report but feel quite the opposite. The more children learn about this behavior AND about inappropriate behavior towards them the more likely it will be dealt with instead of festering and spreading.
    Yes this happens in the army, in all places where the same people gather for repeated interactions including schools where boys and girls learn separately.

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