Beit Shemesh City Hall to Compensate Plaintiffs in Modesty Signs Case

tznius.jpgAttorney Orly Erez-Likhovski of the Israel Religious Action Center of the Israel Movement for Progressive Judaism filed suit on behalf of four Beit Shemesh women who demanding the removal of modesty signs in the city. They referred to signs that instructed women to walk on a designated sidewalk and dress in a fashion deemed suitable to the chareidi tzibur.

Justice David Gidoni ruled the city was severely negligent regarding instructions to remove the illegal signs, ordering City Hall to pay each of the four women 15,000 NIS for a total of 60,000 NIS. In addition, the city must pay the petitioner’s court’s fees.

The court added the city’s nonfeasance in complying with instructions to remove the signs “delivers a mortal blow to the rights of women in the city. Therefore the city is instructed to compensate the plaintiffs for mental anguish caused to them”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Does anyone see anything illegal in the sign pictured? it’s just a simple request.

    I guess “the only democracy in the middle east” has a hard time not being influenced by neighbors, except on the other extreme – they enforce the religion of heresy…

  2. welcome to the “jewish state”. what exactly did these women suffer such that they deserve nis 15000 + court costs? sounds more like regressive than progressive as we are to move from being a completely “I” centered person as a baby to a “you” centered person as we grow up. that is called maturity!

  3. Those of us who know how to read can see the signs politely ASK that modest clothes be worn. Whilst such requests will inevitably annoy some people, their own behaviour is st least just as annoying and often much more intolerant than that of those they criticise.

  4. What despicable people. They need be sensitive to nobody but heaven help u if u r not sensitive to their desire to b immoral

  5. Forcing them to comply can cause mental anguish, let alone physical and/or financial damage. The presence of signs, however, seems no more than the defendants’ expression of their rights to free speech.

  6. So will the observant Jews be compensated for mental anguish caused them by being constantly confronted with immodesty everywhere? The judges’s decision is a mortal blow to sanity. The next time someone decides to hector us about “achdus” with the dati-leumi crowd, just remember that the 4 plaintiffs in this case are part of this group. I know, it’s already a lack of “achdus” to even point this out.

  7. Remarkable or perhaps unremarkable.

    While the ‘Action center..for Progressive..’ an arm of Reform ,Conservative and secular and bankrolled by them (..and the EU) are given the run of the Land..

    Religious living abroad are loudly declaimed from helping fellow adherents battle in defense in Is .

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