Super PAC Created to Boost Bobby Jindal Presidential Bid

jindalRepublican supporters of Gov. Bobby Jindal have created a super PAC to back a possible 2016 presidential campaign by the Louisiana governor.

Paperwork setting up the political action committee, called Believe Again PAC, was filed Thursday with the Federal Election Commission, according to Brad Todd. Todd is a consultant for the new committee and co-founder of Jindal’s political advisers OnMessage Inc.

The super PAC will be able to raise unlimited amounts of money to help Jindal but won’t be able to coordinate with him directly.

Former Louisiana U.S. Rep. Bob Livingston is PAC chairman. Rolfe McCollister, a Baton Rouge publisher who spearheaded other pro-Jindal efforts, is serving as treasurer.

Jindal’s second term as Louisiana’s governor ends next year. He can’t run for re-election because of term limits.


3 Responses

  1. Child of immigrants, thoughtful on religious matters, ivy league background, survived being governor of Louisiana without getting indicted — okay, worth mentioning. There is a good chance there will be a vacancy for United States Senator he might want to fill.

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