Yahadut Hatorah Angry at Deri Following Overtures to Lapid

deriYair Lapid told the media that he has worked out differences with Aryeh Deri and the two have mended fences. During an interview with Ynet the Shas party leader said he was not ruling out entering into a coalition with Lapid. Deri explained that he does not rule out sitting with any democratically elected party in a coalition government for as long as they can reach agreement on key issues.

Deri also stated he is less concerned with canceling the chareidi draft law than with other pressing economic issues. Deri explained he understands the criminal sanctions component of the law will be abolished so the matter is less significant.

“What was his thinking” a senior Yahadut Hatorah official questions angrily. MK Moshe Gafne and some of colleagues are bewildered over Deri’s statements, pointing out that harsh gezeiros on the tzibur initiated by Lapid, not to mention cuts in budgets for yeshivos and other mosdos Torah.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. “All fair in Love and WAR” and Deri is fighting a battle to increase Shas mandates. IOWs all is FAIR right now in Deri’s worldview.

  2. Deri is not stupid his history shows he knows what he does, he must have a political reason behind this I saw somewhere else, that by the last election lapid got big by bashing the charedim so could be deri doesn’t want to let lapid bash the charedim by making it as he deri/charedim have no problem with him lapid, or it could be he has different reasons but he has a reason behind what he does.

  3. Rav Ovadia of his own free will said Deri is not to be trusted, that he does what he wants and is evil. What more do the Sfardim want?

    Anyone who votes for Deri is a partner with the devil.

    Get rid of this parasite.

  4. Deri is a left-winger and he is striving for a left-wing government. There is no possible scenario for a left-wing government without Lapid.

    Oh, and MK Gafne is ‘bewildered’? He has been declaring his willingness (if not outright preference) to join a left-wing government and he too knows full well that any left-wing government will have to include Lapid.

  5. I think he’s just preparing for coalition negotiations, and wants to make clear that no one should assume that he can only go in one direction. He is saying that he will go with whoever meets his demands.

  6. Gafne made comments about supporting Labor, i.e. Herzog/Livni, who are even worse than Lapid in so many ways. He’s no better than Deri. Why is he complaining?

  7. Btw not cooperating with kofrim that make harsh gezeiros is the shitah of those who don’t vote. Many of our gedolim consider it preferable to talk with then to get what we can. In the last seventy years there were always anti chareidi parties that the chareidim negotiated with. But then again, this is war, and now we know which side gafni is on. I wonder what yishai promised him. The icc should investigate this, not the anti terrorist war with hamas.

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