Lieberman: State Privileges Must be Linked to Allegiance to the National Flag

liebermanYisrael Beitenu party leader Avigdor Lieberman reiterated that in his view, any citizen of the state unwilling to pledge allegiance to the national flag should not be entitled to privileges given to citizens.

At the Monday evening 28 Teves event during which he announced his Knesset lineup, Lieberman explained he believes that every citizen should literally have to sign a document of allegiance to the state. Speaking to Kikar Shabbos on the proposed law, MK Yisrael Eichler suggests adding a pledge to keep Shabbos, Torah, Mitzvos and limud Torah as well.

Lieberman believes that when a child reaches 16 s/he receives a teudat zehut (identity card). At that time, s/he must be compelled to sign his/her allegiance to the state. Such a move would create problems for both the chareidi and Arab sectors.

A Yisrael Beitenu spokesman explains to the media the proposal is not against Arabs or chareidim, but it is pro the state, nothing more. Lieberman explains everyone may interpret it as one feels but he knows this is not aimed against any segment of society.

The Knesset passed a similar law in 2010 compelling Members of Knesset taking the oath of office to add “I pledge allegiance to the State of Israel”. MK Menachem Eliezer Moses objected, explaining he understands pledging allegiance to Knesset, but why does “the state” have to be added in. Moses was fine with the word “democratic” that was added in as well, but when the law added “I pledge allegiance to the Jewish, Zionist, democratic state, its value and symbols”, he called to remove the word “Zionist”.

He added “I do not understand where the word ‘Tzion’ came into the picture. I daven three times daily for the wellbeing of Tzion. This is more like a ‘thought police’ and even if one does recite the words, is this what he believes in his heart?”

MK (Yisrael Beitenu) David Rotem, who wears a kippa, questioned why the outrage. He feels that pledging one’s allegiance does not mean one identifies with “Zionism”.

If Lieberman has his way, one who does not sign a pledge of national allegiance will not be entitled to the benefits of citizenship.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Wow, so anyone not pledging allegiance to the State, is not entitled to the ‘privilege’ of being drafted into the army.

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