Rav Yosef’s Children Want to Readdress Maran’s Will


A petition has been filed in court by children of Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef ZT”L to challenge the will, Channel 10 News reported on Monday evening 28 Teves. According to the report, the case is already heading for a state secular court. The news report actually showed the papers that have already been filed in secular court.

The will written by Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef ZT”L left his estate to his youngest son, Rav Moshe and his rebitzen Yehudit. This was in return for the couple being at the Rav’s side for so many years.

The apartment at 45 Kablan Street in the Har Nof area of Yerushalayim is to be divided among the children.

One of the claims by the children in the petition to the court is that half of the estate belonged to their mother Margalit. They point out a number of apartments that were registered in her name were sold.

It is reported that the family first wanted to head to the Rabbanut but one of the sons refused and this resulted in the case heading for secular court. One of the reasons given for the move to the secular court is that they fear all of the money in bank accounts has been removed.

An attorney for Rav Moshe told Kol Berama that Maran’s instructions are clear as stated in his handwriting in his will. He explained Rav Moshe endured never-ending costs over decades, taking care of him and running the home. There is no doubt that the will is clear, in Maran’s handwriting and the accusations from family members will be ruled as baseless.

Some of the sons, who are not mentioned by name, are quoted telling Kol Berama that the decision to take the case to a secular court is incorrect.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Are sure this is appropirate to be published. It is about a private family dispute, over one of the most common sorts of such disputes (as any lawyer will tell you). It in no way involves public issues.

  2. I hope no-one is disputing and equal division for descendants of the late oldest son:- Rav Yaakov Yosef ZT’L, because Halocho is clear:- “Yoresh beKever”.

  3. Akuperma,
    I thought the same, but ever since it was aired on channel 10 in Israel, al the chareidi media -radio and online – felt the NEED to talk about it.


    As if there isn’t anything else to talk about…..

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