Holder Calls For Better Data On Police Use Of Force

holderAttorney General Eric Holder is calling for better record-keeping on how often police officers use force or are attacked themselves.

Holder said Thursday that current methods for keeping track of police use of force are inadequate since many local police departments don’t report the data. The FBI tracks the number of “justifiable homicides” by police, but that number is seen as incomplete.

Recent deaths of black individuals at the hands of white police officers, including in New York City and Ferguson, Missouri, have put a spotlight on the absence of reliable statistics, which Holder called “unacceptable.”

In a speech at the Justice Department honoring Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., Holder said better data collection would “represent a common-sense step.”


One Response

  1. Really?!
    Hey Mr. Witholder, how is YOUR Federal “investigation” in Ferguson coming along? Any updates? Are you just going to let those RACIST Grand jury members walk away?

    For someone who said he was stepping down, you’re sure taking your sweet time.

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