Ministry of Religious Services Wanted Payment for the Kvura of French Kedoshim HY”D

IMG-20150113-WA0071B”H the levaya for the Paris kedoshim held in Eretz Yisrael was respectful for the same cannot be said for what has been taking place behind the scenes. Ynet reports that it has learned one of the families has already been given a bill for 50,000 NIS to pay for the plot and “funeral expenses”. The families were offered kevarim in Har HaZeisim but they opted for Har Menuchos due to the difficult security situation in Har HaZeisim and the surrounding area.

The chevra kadisha told the ministry that if the kvura is in Har Menuchos, the burial would be inside the wall on different levels and not below ground. The families refused.

Businesswoman Eva Tzarfati, who owns plots in Har Menuchos suggested using those plots to avoid charging the families. The ministry refused and even threatened that if those plots are used the state will boycott the levaya, Yediot Achronot adds. The French Jewish community decided to pay 200,000 NIS to buy four burial plots.

Minister of Culture & Sport (Likud) Limor Livnat expressed outrage, and called on the ministry not to charge the families. She turned to Minister of Religious Services Naftali Bennett. She explained that charging the families is in direct contradiction to the decisions reached at the meeting she chaired to arrange the levaya.

Bennett responded to Livnat and stated his ministry will absorb all of the costs.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. “good enough for government work”

    The problem with a socialist model of “religious services” is that it is run by bureaucrats. The cemetaries in Israel are government run.

  2. Sounds like quite the busha. I’m happy (but not super surprised) to see that Bennett helped resolve issues in a respectable way.

  3. Why is it that I am not in the least bit surprised to read any of this? Wait for the next episode when the Accountant General rules that paying these bills is an improper use of Ministry of Religious Services funds.

  4. While no one should have to worry about financial details during this time, it really does seem like the families were offered a number of free burial options and declined. Is it normal that people killed in terrorist attacks are given free burial, at the cemetery of the family’s choice, in the type of kever of the family’s choice? I also don’t understand the government’s threat–that the burial would take place with or without payment, but the gov’t wouldn’t attend the ceremony? Who cares?

  5. #4
    Being offered burial on Har Hazeisim is not the most ideal offer. Being that Har Hazeisim has been overtaken by attacks lately. Those that have all family members there (like us) have a hard and scary time getting there even once a year on their yarzeit. It is understandable that these families having been victims of terror don’t want to jeapordise their safety or the safety of the kadosh by putting him in an area like Har Hazeisim.

  6. When there is a monopoly, you always have problems. In America, if a group of people don’t like the local shul, or cemetary, or mikva or school, there is no problem with them setting up their own. The reason capitalism has prospered and socialism has failed is that competition works to get the best services for the most people,whereas socialism guarantees inept mediocrity.

  7. Socialism is a religion of hand-outs, entitlements and zero work motivation. JEWS love these freebie programs, will keep voting democrats & cry crocodile tears when programs dry up to reduce an inflated budget.

    Capitalism is loved by the working man ……competition, motivation, increase the profit line, work ethic, so in my camp does the Charedi parties in Israel stand?

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