Laborites Elect the Party Lineup for 20th Knesset Elections

1The Labor party held its primaries on Tuesday, 22 Teves, selecting the party’s lineup for the 20th Knesset. There are of course slots that are guaranteed for members of Tzipi Livni’s The Movement party as per the agreement signed between the parties.

The results came as a surprise to many, with the top ten lineup headed by former party leader Shelly Yacimovich. There are a total of three women in the top ten lineup. Most of the new comers are disappointed for they did not land realistic positons. This includes Rabbi Gilad Kariv of the Israel Reform Movement (32nd place), Eitan Schwartz (33rd) and Alon Filch (36th).

The lineup

1. Yitzchak Herzog

2. Tzipi Livni (The Movement)

3. Shelly Yacimovich

4. Stav Shapir

5. Yitzchak Shmuli

6. Amar Bar-Lev

7. Hilik Bar

8. Amir Peretz (The Movement)

9. Merav Michaeli

10. Eitan Cabel

11. To be appointed by party leader

12. Erel Margalit

13. Miki Rosenthal

14. Roitel Sweid (slot secured for a woman)

15. Danny Atar (slot secured for kibbutz/moshav representative)

16. Prof. Emanuel Trajtenberg (The Movement)

17. Zohir Bahalul (Arab/Druse slot)

18. Eitan Barushi (kibbutz/moshav slot)

19. Michal Biran (woman’s slot)

20. Nachman Shai

21. The Movement slot

22. Ayelet Nachmais Werben

23. Yossi Yonah

24. The Movement slot

25. The Movement slot

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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