Texas Congressman Compares Obama to Hitler in Tweet on Paris Attack


A Texas congressman is drawing criticism for comparing President Barack Obama to Adolf Hitler in a tweet related to the terror attack in Paris.

Republican Rep. Randy Weber’s Twitter account on Monday night said even Hitler “thought it more important than Obama to get to Paris.”

The tweet referred to Hitler’s visit to the vanquished city after his troops invaded in World War II, and to Obama’s failure to join dozens of world leaders at an anti-terror march through Paris on Sunday.

New York Democratic Rep. Steve Israel denounced the tweet as “vile,” saying Weber was “desecrating the victims of the Holocaust to make a political point.”

Weber has a history of inflammatory remarks on Twitter. In a tweet last year he called Obama a “Socialistic dictator.”



8 Responses

  1. It is crude and tacky to compare Obama to Hitler. Obama has no desire to conquer any foreign countries and truely wishes he could ignore the rest of the world and that its problems would go away and leave him alone. The correct analogy is to Chamberlain.

  2. Steve Israel, I think you’re the one who’s “desecrating the victims of the Holocaust to make a political point.”

    – Weber made no mention of the Holocaust, He didn’t even say Obama is like Hitler. He just said that “even” Hitler made it to Paris…

  3. Since Cong. Steven Stricker (R-TX) was defeated in the primary and left congress and Michelle Bachman didn’t run for reelection, we needed another Republican to step forward and take on the title of the dumbest and crudest member of the congress. Thank you Reb Weber for taking on this task. These idiots really cannot control their mouths which is why Hillary will be our new Commander-In-Chief come 2016.

  4. Yes, Hillary Rotten Clinton is just great for the Jews. The only time she supports anything Jewish/Israeli is pre-election, but once that’s over, fuggehdaboudit. Even Billy-boy was less overtly anti-semitic. And yes, GadolHaTorah – I have inside info on her feelings towards Jews from a closet Jew who worked for her.

    As for this Tweet – good for him! It’s about time someone in politics had the guts to directly criticize this megalomaniac. What an Obamination he is.

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