Hikind Lauds DOT Commissioner For Personal Interest In Boro Park And Flatbush Issues


Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) expressed his great appreciation for Department of Transportation Keith Bray following a meeting that allowed the Assemblyman to enumerate the numerous issues impacting his community. Commissioner Bray and his staff met with Assemblyman Hikind along with Community Board 12 Chairman Yidel Perlstein and District Manager Barry Spitzer to discuss issues ranging from dangerous intersections without proper traffic signals to signage, lighting and traffic concerns.

Among the issues discussed was the need for overnight parking for the many yeshiva buses that service the community. Possible locations were presented to Commissioner Bray and his team.

Issues that were discussed included suggestions for improving traffic safety for both drivers and pedestrians along 21st Avenue from 53rd to 59th Street, at the corner of 17th Avenue & 57th Street, and on Avenue J and Ocean Parkway, as well as buckling along 50th Street between 13th Avenue & 14th Avenue.

Assemblyman Hikind, who has worked with Commissioner Bray for more than a decade during his tenure with the D.O.T., expressed his great confidence in Bray, who was appointed Brooklyn Borough Commissioner in September, 2014.

“It’s a pleasure to work with Commissioner Bray, who is always receptive to our concerns and who really knows our streets and understands our issues,” said Hikind. “The job of government is to make life better for people and Commissioner Bray shares that commitment. I am confident that he was address all of our concerns as quickly as possible, and I look forward to reporting back to everyone as street issues are resolved.”

The Assemblyman also thanked Yidel Perlstein and Barry Spitzer for attending the meeting.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

10 Responses

  1. lets call a spade a spade.
    if these so called leaders of ours really cared about traffic , then they would not have the school buses stop traffic to wait for the child to be brought to the bus. if the child is not there then the bus does not stop.

    if these so called leaders of ours really cared about traffic , then they would not have the school bus make four stops on the same street.

    if these so called leaders of ours really cared about traffic , then they would allow the sanitation department to make pickups at night , like when i was a kid growing up on fiftieth street many years ago.


  2. #1, is right, except Sanit. dept cannot do one thing in 58 community boards and then give the Jews in their 59th community board something else. schools buses stopping on EVERY block is crazy.

  3. Right on! Enough of the “Feel good” statements that mean nothing. Do something that will accomplish the desired result. Why “takeh” not pick up all kids on a block at ONE location? And why not have sanitation pick up at night?

  4. #1: The buses are private school buses and the government cannot stop them from waiting for the child to come out of the house to the bus or to stop them from making multiple stops.

  5. It’s one thing for a bus to block an entire 2-way avenue to pick up a child. But if a child’s stop happens to be on the corner, is it too much to ask the child to walk 12 feet into the block so that the bus won’t block the intersection as well? The drivers that do this are pig-headed.

  6. about the school buses do you realize the mother has a 3 year old, a 4 and a half year old, and maybe also a 6 year old besides the 6 month old and can’t leave the house. You think this is too many children? The father is in shul or at work and that is one family. We sometimes do need house stops. Boruch Hashem we have MANY large families on alot blocks that is why the buses stop so many times. A problem that can be addressed is if the parent needs to talk to the driver that should be minimized.

  7. Hikind fought hard to retain his seat in Albany, claiming that we need him in Albany to fight for us “as only he can” > Yet his press releases demonstrate a strange preoccupation with issues that Greenfield is working on. Talk in town is that he is planning on having Wolf Sender run against Greenfield in the next election

  8. About school buses remember how not too long ago we all had a major problem with islands on Ft Hamilton and how ambulances cant get through but when we make our own Barriers on Ft hamilton with the double and triple parking of school susses because there is no dedicated parking lot for the buses its okay and hikinad nor the DOT have no problem with that. Chas V shulem we should ask such a chusheve mosad to move their illegally parked buses off the middle of Ft Hamilton Pkwy let everyone go around them even the ambulances

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