Are you a Married Woman? This Course is For You



Have you registered for Rabbi Friedman’s new course yet?

Join women from around the world as they learn the secrets of a life-long and lasting intimate marriage relationship.

Rabbi Manis Friedman is teaching a new Intimacy for Women course that starts on Monday, 21 Teves/January 12. This is a four part tele-seminar that discusses the theory, the practice, and the results of following Torah’s guidelines.

The course will be moderated by Mrs. Miriam Lipskier.

Click here for the full course information.

Join the live course Monday – Thursday of this week. All 4 lessons are from 1-2pm NY time. 

The course is recorded. Participant who can’t join the live course will receive a recording after each call.


A compelling reason to join this course!

We live at a time when secular influences have permeated much of how we approach marriage and it is destroying our families from the inside out.

We are a “Goy Kaddosh.” Do you know what that means, and how it is applied in the most important relationship of your life?

Rabbi Friedman has seen the families that have been saved as a result of what he teaches. His greatest Nachas is from the Kallahs who join the course and get started on the right foot, from the get-go.

Past participants claim this course is a must for all who value a healthy family unit. “Rabbi Friedman uses Chassidus, common sense and Aidelkeit to guide us in the most important part of our married life. This course opened my eyes to an understanding of my role as wife and has made me a better person.”

Rabbi Zalman Friedman is offering a 10% discount for YWN readers. Use coupon code YWN10 and save 10% on the course registration.

Do you have questions about the course? Email[email protected] or call us at 800-656-5669.

Click here for more information about and to register for the course.

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